
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Rod Blum Felt Indivisible!

Rep. Rod Blum (R-IA) caused controversy when he walked out an interview and tried to deny constituents from his town halls.

Rep. Rod Blum (R-IA) is looking pretty annoyed these days. He created a controversy Monday when he decided to walk out of an junk food media interview. Later that day, he face a packed town hall of angry constituents.

Like a true douche, he surrounds himself around Black children and is interviewed by a local outlet about contributions from an outside group that has "dark money."

Blum quickly ended the interview and left the interviewer speechless.

This was done at the Dubuque Dream Center, a charter school that assist in lower-income, mostly Black children in the city.

It got worse for him. He prescreened constituents to his town hall in Dubuque.

Blum and many GOP lawmakers want to hold "pop-up" town halls and "phone-ins" to keep Democratic activists out of their town halls. It also is noted that Republicans believe that "friendly" events are the key to helping them get reelected.

Blum holds a town hall at the local high school and got an earful of angry constituents. He is a part of the "do nothing" Freedom Caucus and one of the many Republicans who supported the American Health Care Act (aka Trumpcare).

The bill if passed could throw 24 million Americans off healthcare coverage. Insurers could rise premiums on those with pre-existing conditions. It could defund Planned Parenthood. It could make it harder for younger enrollees to buy affordable health coverage.

Blum and the "do nothing" Freedom Caucus has been struggling to explain how this bill will improve the lives of their constituents.

Blum raised more than $1.8 million during his 2016 reelection campaign. His two top donors were a PAC created by "do nothing" Freedom Caucus member Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) and the Club for Growth. The others come from three Iowa-based companies that the Center for Responsive Politics cited as "questionable."

Blum tries to deny fellow Iowans from his town halls because they live a block out of his district.

Blum and many Republicans have felt heat from their voters. Their continuous obsession to rollback regulations and the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) has backfired.

They are supporters of a leader who grabs women by the pussy.

Donald J. Trump's controversial win sparked discussions about Russian meddling. Republicans are trying to dismiss this a "kookspiracy." Given that Trump fired James Comey, the FBI director after he admitted that the agency is looking into the Russian meddling, Republicans will now face questions about their leader not being transparent on issues.

Democrats are hoping to retake Congress. Well they better hope they can get people out the vote.

Voting is down nationwide and the young White voters (who tend to be less racist) are the ones sitting it out. The so-called nextsters are turning 18 and they could be key. Democrats still have trouble trying to generate the magic they had. Barack Obama was the only president capable of motivating young voters.

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