
Friday, April 14, 2017

"Tiny πŸ–πŸ–‘" Ordered A πŸ’£On The Islamic State!

I don't look at the war as a "heroic" theme here. All I see in the act of war is a lot of dead bodies.

Donald J. Trump is breaking promises day by day. He is extremely unprincipled.

His fight on terrorism is certainly winning praise among conservatives. The so-called pro-life crowd are cheering the strike on the Islamic State harboring in Afghanistan.

A GBU-43 missile was dropped on the Islamic State (and innocent human beings) today. It was the largest non-nuclear bomb ever used in combat.

Gen. John W. Nicholson, the commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said that the bomb was the "right munition" to use against the Islamic State because they use roadside bombs and suicide bombers.

What a pathetic excuse for a callous and brutal attack.

I think the fight against terrorism is failure. We have achieved nothing other than riling up Muslim nations and inspiring worthless propaganda to the enemy.

No telling how many innocent lives were lost in this. Just to stop a group of individuals who want to control their own land.
Shell shocked.
The fuhrer is "very pleased" that the drop happened.  He was very proud the military dropped the "mother of all bombs" in Afghanistan.

I thought the Islamic State was focused in Syria and Iraq.

Breakaway factions of al Qaeda and the Taliban created their version but they're fighting on their own land and not here in the United States.  It dubbed itself the Islamic State for the Khorosan.

Trump didn't go to Congress to get approval. And of course, conservative roundly mock Barack Obama for being "weak" against terrorism.

I can only imagine that we're going to see retaliation against the United States.

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