
Thursday, March 09, 2017

Jason Chaffetz: Americans Should Pay For Their Doctor Than Their iPhone!

Lawmaker spends nearly $800 on an iPhone but complains about the poor getting one instead of paying for health care.

A slip of the tongue. This week was rough for Utah Republican Jason Chaffetz. He was on CNN when he uttered the most stupidest thing to say about a person in need of healthcare.

When he talked to agitator Alisyn Camerota about the Trumpcare proposal that could knock millions off the insurance, Chaffetz scoffed and said the following:

"We're always worried. But what we want to do is make sure that people have access to the quality health care they want."

When pressed by Camerota on what could happen if the fuhrer signs this into law, Chaffetz went full on this  "welfare queen" rant.

"Maybe rather than getting that new iPhone that they just love and they want to go spend hundreds of dollars on that, maybe they should invest in their own health care. They've got to make those decisions themselves."

This shows Americans that the Republican Party is totally clueless. He seriously believes that low income Americans should not be entitled to the privileges of having properties like an iPhone.

He rather see the poor spend their life savings on healthcare.

For a lawmaker like him, a few hundreds of dollars sure would get you an awesome iPhone.

His opponent Kathryn Allen, a longshot Democratic candidate got a surge of fundraising to help in her bid to oust the "kookspiracy" chasing Chaffetz.

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