
Monday, March 13, 2017

It's Simmering!

The St. Louis County Prosecutor releases a longer version of Mike Brown being inside the liquor store.

The St. Louis County prosecutor released unedited footage of an encounter between Michael Brown and the Ferguson store clerks who accused him of stealing a pack of cigarellos.

In the documentary Strange Fruit, there was footage of Brown entering the store the previous night and purchased something as well as hand off a baggie to the clerks.

It disputes the encounter saying that Brown "strong armed" a clerk before he was the fatal encounter with then Ferguson officer Darren Wilson.

Robert McCulloch who became famous for handing the fate of Wilson to a grand jury argued that the video from the documentary is not correct.

"It's not as though it was hidden away somewhere," McCulloch said. The video which shows the first of two visits by Brown to the store that day.

The Huffington Post also notes that Jay Kanzler, the lawyer for the convenience store and the clerks also said that the need to release the video could explain the transaction.

What McCulloch failed to mention was the reason to why the video wasn't released during the grand jury decision to not charge Darren Wilson. How come this was left out from the jump?

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