
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Breitbart Releases Paul Ryan's Digs At Trump!

Breitbart releases an audio of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) slamming Donald J. Trump during the campaign.

Old news is new news.

The "Grab 'Em By The Pussy" remarks almost sank him. The Republicans were distancing themselves from then candidate Donald J. Trump after he made those god awful comments.

The infamous Access Hollywood recordings managed to sink Billy Bush's job at NBC and it made Trump forever sealed as a "sexist" asshole. Among other things, the Republicans were embracing a potential Hillary Clinton presidency.

Nope. She lost.

Trump won.

Republican maintain a strong majority. But the intraparty fighting is still ongoing. The Republicans can't figure out how to govern. They spent eight years repeating talking points and regurgitated nonsense at the expense of Barack Obama.

This Trumpcare proposal is being panned by the left and the right because the CBO has said that 24 million people could be knocked off their insurance.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) is the current Speaker of the House. He's taking hits from the Republicans for not doing a full repeal. Trump's new healthcare proposal will keep a portion of the ACA, however advocates complex policies that affect the poor more than the rich.

Ryan was then a fierce critic of Donald J. Trump. The Wisconsin lawmaker is now working with Trump to repeal the Affordable Care Act and pass his agenda.

They're "buddy buddy" now.

But to the folks over at the now ad-dry Breitbart News, Ryan is a traitor. The alleged "fake news" website is trying to discredit Ryan's friendship with Trump.

It secures the belief that Republicans care more about winning elections than governing.

It says that Ryan doesn't appreciate the disrespect towards women by Trump. However he's not going to get in the way of Trump's agenda.

The release of an audio to social media has Ryan slamming Trump for saying those awful comments.

He said that he rather had Clinton as the president so they can oppose her and force her to move to their proposals if they retain a majority.

Yeah, I rather see Clinton lead this country.

But it is what it is!

Trump is embarrassing the country by his antics. He is constantly in "campaign mode" always attacking the opposition. He is blaming Obama for his failures.

You see where I'm going with this!

I am using the same dirty tactics the conservatives used on Obama.

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