
Monday, February 20, 2017

Gay White Extremist Has An Achilles Heel!

He best describes himself.

Milo Yiannopoulos is a notorious white extremist who writes for far-right blog Breitbart. He is becoming a mainstream figure in the age of Fuhrer Donald J. Trump. The British born agitator is openly gay and has such disdain for the LGBTQ community. He considers transgender individuals as "it" and regards Black leaders as ignorant. He often dismisses critics as losers.

Wherever he goes, he brings controversy.

He was supposed to be releasing a book called Dangerous. It was pulled last minute by Simon & Schuster. He was a scheduled speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference. That invite was pulled this evening.

These entities pulled because of his interest in pedophilia.

A video surfaced on social media. Joe Rogan, a comedian and libertarian agitator got the white extremist to open up about his sexuality.

He talks about his sexual encounter with a priest when he was 17 years old. He said that he wouldn't care if men and boys as young as 13 years old have sexual encounters. He said it's a "coming of age" for a boy to discover his sexuality.

"In the homosexual world, particularly, some of those relationships between younger boys and older men -- the sort of "coming of age" relationship -- those relationships in which those older men help those young boys discover who they are and give them security and safety and provide them with love and a reliable, sort of rock, where they can't speak to their parents," said Yiannopoulos.

It seems like the white extremist finally took a hit --- in the wallet.

He is one of the most polarizing figures in this White extremist movement called the alt-right.

Breitbart was influential in helping fuhrer Donald J. Trump win the election.

Breitbart, The Drudge Report and Sean "Softball" Hannity parrot this alt-right bullshit. Yiannopoulos embraces this with sequins.

He was notorious for getting his supporters to racially harass comedian Leslie Jones. He was banned from Twitter for that. He is well on his way to be banned from all of social media.

Yiannopoulos, Richard Spenser, Steven Bannon, David Clarke, Paul Joseph Watson, David Duke, Chuck Johnson, James O'Keefe, Tila Tequila, Alex Jones, Brittany and Nicole Pettibone are notable figures of the alt-right.