
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

S.C. Lawmaker Serves His Wife Knuckle Style Chili!

South Carolina lawmaker sees the law for himself. He gets served a court date after this thug served his wife a knuckle style chili with toppings. 

A lawmaker who supported the losing side of the Civil War was caught up in a sex scandal. He gets busted by his wife. She taps him. He serves her knuckle style chili. Now he will face felony aggravated domestic violence charges. It could give him a couple of dimes in the iron college.

Former South Carolina state representative Chris Corley is accused of serving a couple of helpings of knuckle style chili to his wife.

Corley facing an expelling from the statehouse decided to take a knee before taking a permanent ban.

Republican House Speaker Jay Lucas read Corley's one sentence resignation letter to his fellow Republicans.

Lucas is working on replacing the disgraced lawmaker in a special election.

Corley a Republican who supported keeping the losing side of the Civil War flying on state grounds won reelection without opposition. Of course, gerrymandering also played a huge role.

His public shaming came at the cost of a 911 call from his daughter. A day after Christmas, a call to the 911 with the screams of "Please Stop,"
State lawmaker gets served a court date.
Aiken County boys released the portions of the 911 audio. "Just stop daddy. Just stop .... Daddy, why are you doing this?"

Corley's wife accused him of charging his player's card at the expense of her and the children. Corley claims that she gave him a line across the face. So he said he had to defend himself from her.

The children witness their dad serve their mommy, knuckle style chili. He also gotten a taste of flesh when he bit her nose. He even grabbed his Second Amendment remedies together. He pointed his piece at her and shove the musket across the head.

Corley's thought he could prevent her from dialing up 911. His wife seems to understand that technology works with digital watches. Her Apple Watch was activated and recorded the children crying to their dad not to kill their mommy.

Corley got a night in county lockup. He posted his $50K get out free card. He was ordered to surrender his firearms, his passport and his perk card. He was banned from state grounds and will appear in court.

Corley was also banned from contacting his wife, their children, his mother-in-law and those who helped them.

Looks like he's on the losing side of the marriage.

Anyway, this fool is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Corley better ask the fuhrer for a pardon.

In other South Carolina news, Nikki Haley is confirmed as the United Nations Ambassador. She will take office in the coming days. Haley was the governor of South Carolina. She was term limited.

Haley was then a harsh critic of Fuhrer Donald J. Trump. Now she is a-ok with him. She became a face of civil rights by standing up against her fellow Republicans in removing that damn flag.

She took sympathy after pressure mounted. The Charleston massacre thrusted Haley into the spotlight. She is the first woman of Indian-American/Asian American decent to be appointed to that position.

If Republicans do pass the membership removal from the United Nations, then she would be out of a job.