
Monday, January 23, 2017

Chelsea Clinton: I Really Hate Trump But I Ain't Going After His Family!

His dad didn't respect Obama. Why should we respect him and his family.

The former first daughter warns the trolls not to take their frustration on the children.

They treated Malia and Sasha Obama with no respect. Why should we treat fuhrer Donald J. Trump's family with respect. I mean there's no reason for us to even go there. I am not going to respect the First Slut of the United States Melania Trump.

I refuse to respect Ivanka, Donald Jr., Eric, Tiffany and Barron Trump. They deserve the same treatment their father gave to Mr. Obama. They deserve the same respect the conservative agitators, the White extremists and the so-called liberal allies gave to Michelle Obama and the children.

Chelsea Clinton-Mezvinsky hopped on Twitter to denounce people attacking Barron. She felt that the main focus should be on Trump's policies.

"Barron Trump deserves the chance every child does --- to be a kid," Clinton wrote on the social media. She jabbed the fuhrer. "Standing up for every kid also means opposing +POTUS policies that hurt kids."

I want you to know that the old fart Rush Limbaugh said Chelsea had looked similar to the first dog.

The Bush twins also warned trolls to not go after the Obama daughters. It was ignored. Jenna Bush-Hager of NBC and Barbara Bush were attacked by the trolls.

Democrats and progressives need to stop being nice.

I refuse to give Trump the respect he deserves. Fuck him, Mike Pence and their families.

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