
Friday, October 14, 2016

Lou Dobbs Tweets Trump Accuser's Phone Number!

Lou Dobbs intentional shares a woman's phone number. He was mad she accused Donald Trump of inappropriately touching her while on a plane.

Fox Business Network's Lou Dobbs is under fire for taking to social media to denounce a Trump accuser. He would intentionally tweet a woman's phone number and address to his nearly 1 million followers on Twitter.

Jessica Leeds is one of the numerous women who accused Republican nominee Donald Trump of inappropriate behavior towards them. She came out with the accusation of Trump touching her under her skirt and dipping into her breasts.

Dobbs, Sean "Softball" Hannity and old fart Rush Limbaugh are bitching about the timing of these incidents. They claim that the junk food media ignores the accusers of Bill Clinton.

Softball gave Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Kathy Shelton and Juanita Broaddrick an opportunity to accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault. They blame Hillary Clinton for allowing him to act out.

Dobbs who is a Trump supporter like the softball. Dobbs is fixated on building walls to keep Mexicans out of the country. He quickly jumped on the Trump train during the primaries.

Dobbs got a tip from I am guessing alt-right troll Charles Johnson.

Johnson the founder of GotNews is willing to endanger the lives of people he deem "liberal plants".

Dobbs got tipped by a Trump supporter and he went on to posting this shit online.
Jessica Leeds feared for her life after she publicly accused Republican nominee Donald Trump of sexual harassment.
The post claimed that Leeds’s phone number matched one listed for the Clinton Foundation in WikiLeaks releases, though only five of the 10 digits were the same, reported Business Insider, and three of those overlapping numbers included an area code for New York.

Leeds, 74, was one of two women who accused Donald Trump of groping and kissing them without permission in a story published in the New York Times this week. After their accusations hit the Internet, several more women stepped forward to report similar behavior, including a People magazine reporter who wrote in an essay in the publication that Trump pinned her against the wall during a 2005 interview at his Florida estate, "forcing his tongue down my throat."

Trump has since denied all the accusations.

Gloria Allred has stepped into the picture. She unrevealed over eight more people involved making it a total of 12 so far.

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