
Friday, September 23, 2016

OverTED: Cruz Goes Down For The Donald!

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) endorses Donald Trump for president.

The failed Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz endorses Donald Trump for president. The so-called constitutionally conservative senator from Texas made a shocking announcement on the race for the White House. He came fresh off ridicule when he embarrassed himself at the Republican National Convention.

He put aside his feud with Trump to give his blessings to the billionaire after pressure from Reince Priebus warned him to get in line or lose your funds for reelection. 

Cruz once called Trump the worst candidate to run against Hillary Clinton. 

Trump permanently labeled Cruz, "Lyin' Ted" and it's stuck to him like glue. The two fought fiercely throughout the early primaries. Cruz even tried a "hail Mary" pass by picking Carly Fiorina, another failed presidential candidate as his running mate.  

When he lost badly in Indiana, he ended the race and took a hardline stance against Trump. He vowed to oppose a Trump presidency. 

Priebus was pressured by conservative agitators to do something about the #NEVERTRUMP movement. He warned Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE), Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) and Republican governors to get in line or lose support. 

Cruz said that he'll vote for Trump.

"Our country is in crisis. Hillary Clinton is manifestly unfit to be president, and her policies would harm millions of Americans. And Donald Trump is the only thing standing in her way. A year ago, I pledge to endorse the Republican nominee, and I am honoring that commitment. And if you don't want to see a Hillary Clinton, I encourage you to vote for him."

Trump said that the endorsement was a honor. 

"I am greatly honored by the endorsement of Senator Cruz," said Trump said. "We have fought the battle and he was a tough and brilliant opponent."

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