
Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Richard Hanna: I Rather Vote For An Enemy Than An Epic Disaster!

Republican lawmaker endorses Clinton.

Rep. Richard Hanna (R-NY) doesn't like Donald Trump. He doesn't like Hillary Clinton. But given the choice between the two, he said he rather vote for an enemy than a disaster.

He represent Binghamton and Catskills, New York.

Hanna became the first sitting U.S. Congressman from the opposition to endorse Hillary Clinton for president.

I can imagine that Softball Hannity, internet creeper Matt Drudge and old fart Limbaugh are pretty damn upset over this latest round of news. They were pissed at Republicans who refused to support Trump for president. They said if you don't support Trump, you might as well vote for Hillary Clinton.

Hanna said the party is too extreme and the picking of Trump is the final straw.

He said he is tired of Congress not doing anything for the American people. He is retiring from Congress putting up a seat for Republicans to defend.

We're waiting on Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) to endorse Clinton. The last moderate in the Republican Party hasn't endorsed Trump for president. She was clearly annoyed about Trump attacking the Khan family.

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