
Thursday, August 25, 2016

Death Threats Troll Leslie Jones!

We support Leslie Jones.

The SNL comedian and actress once again gets bombarded by the so-called alt-right trolls. Ever since Donald Trump's media wing Breitbart targeted her, she has been hit with nonstop threats on her life.

Her social media accounts were hacked. Some have shared an image comparing the actress to a gorilla. Her personal pictures (which contain nude pictures) were leaked to the junk food media.

Milo Yiannopoulos, a gay white extremist who works for Breitbart has targeted her. He was a Twitter twat who had obsession with Black female celebrities.

Once Twitter found out about his role in the trolling, they immediately banned him. He is permanently banned from Twitter.

Sony's reboot of The Ghostbusters didn't live up to expectations and agitators are dogging her for it.

Many entertainers came out in support of her and condemnation of the trolls who hacked into her account.

The alt-right (spawned by the rise of Donald Trump) has been active in targeting Black entertainers, bloggers, and lawmakers. I said that the conservatives attacks on President Barack Obama are subliminally racist.

I believe conservatives calling President Barack Obama  a "socialist" was code word for NIGGER.

When I did YouTube videos, a member of the alt-right had posted it on a White extremist website. I often checked my website for feedback and I happened to see offensive comments. In the comment section, I was called a "nigger". I was called a "fag". I was called a "down-low buck" and other ignorant things. I had my pictures from my social media websites photoshopped to offensive images.

I admit this: I was a victim of the alt-right.

A bunch of worthless websites which I refuse to name happened to get the drop on me.

Now YouTube, Facebook and Disqus have now made it a requirement to have a real name and image on your social media pages. They are trying to eliminate "trolling" and "false flags".

And HelloRacist and RacistsGetFired is working just fine. So far, online trolls were called out. Some have lost their jobs for this.

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