
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Andrea Tantaros: Ailes Treated Fox Employees Like Sh*t!

It's on now. Andrea Tantaros sues Roger Ailes and new Fox News president Bill Shine for sexual harassment.

The conservative agitator Andrea Tantaros filed a federal lawsuit against Roger Ailes and new president of Fox News Bill Shine.

In her lawsuit, she claims that the network "masquerades as a defender of traditional family values, but behind the scenes, it operates like a sex-fueled, Playboy Mansion-like cult, steeped in intimidation, indecency and misogyny."

She calls out Ailes, Bill Shine, public relations manager Irena Briganti, and her former friend Bill O'Reilly as agitators of sexual harassment.

Remember Bill O'Reilly was accused of sexually harassing Andrea Mackris. She sued him and they settled this matter without a figure being said. Somehow O'Reilly has a thing for Andreas. He also hired Bo Dietl to spy on his ex-wife when she filed a divorce against him. The ever so temperamental O'Reilly tried to get her new husband arrested for criminal charges. Tantaros said that O'Reilly was fond of her and asked her to come through so he can get some "privacy" with her. He said that she's a "wild girl with a wild side".  The issue was resolved when she ended her contributions to The O'Reilly Factor.

Former Massachusetts senator Scott Brown who is a part-time contributor to Fox News is accused of making inappropriate comments about Tantaros and other woman. He even took a nasty jab at Elizabeth Warren, his then rival for his competitive seat. He would sneak up on Tantaros while she was purchasing lunch and grab her waist and shocking her.

She said that Fox News Washington chief John Roberts was a dick to her. He is a Canadian born journalist who is married to CNN/HLN anchor Kyra Phillips. Roberts made a nasty comment about her fertility. The statement was "Have you frozen your eggs?"

Tantaros had filed a complaint against Roberts and they punished him for this. But the O'Reilly and Ailes accusations weren't going nowhere.

Even actor Dean Cain, groped her on her butt when he appeared on Outnumbered to slam President Barack Obama. He said that he's the "luckiest guy in the room". Cain appears frequently on the show.

When Tantaros rejected Ailes request for a sleepover, she was demoted from The Five to hosting duties on Outnumbered. When she brought attention to Shine, he told her to back down. Shine said that Ailes is "very powerful man" and he could ruin her. He told her that she "needed to let this one go."
Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly are accused of sexual harassing Andrea Tantaros.
Ailes also tried to denounce Tantaros and her relationships.

Tantaros also said that Ailes said some really ugly shit about his employees.

He thought Greg Gutfeld was gay.

He thought Dana Perino was a lesbian.

He thought that Dana and Greg were shacked up in the darkroom.

He thought Kimberly Guilfoyle and Eric Bolling were having an affair.

He believed that Kimberly Guilfoyle was open 24/7. He said that she's a Puerto Rican whore and a streetfighter. A real alleycat in the bedroom.

He said Monica Crowley is a shrill woman.

He said Shannon Brean is annoying as fuck.

He said Gretchen Carlson is batshit crazy.

He said that Catherine Herridge is a stalker chick.

He said "Money Honey" Maria Bartiromo is a fat hog.

He said Harris Faulkner was an angry Black woman.

Tantaros detailed some real shit in her lawsuit and it opened up some real hurt feelings between her colleagues and the head honchos.

We're seeing Fox News destroy itself. Liberals are cautiously rejoicing the epic fall of a news titian.

You notice that most of the agitators on primetime haven't mentioned Bill Clinton's affairs. Well "Softball" Hannity had called an alleged mistress the "Energizer Bunny" but that's mild compared to what he and many others have said.

Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, Bill O'Reilly, Eric Bolling, Geraldo Rivera, Shepard Smith, Jon Scott, Greg Jarrett and Neil Cavuto are known to harass employees.

Gabriel Sherman is destroying Fox News with a pen.

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