
Friday, July 22, 2016

Trump Ain't Got A Plan!

And the nominee speaks.

Day four of the Republican convention.

Donald Trump lays out his message to the nation. In an astonishing 76 minutes, Donald J. Trump, the Republican nominee for president has went there. I mean it was long rant about how Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama, Muslims, immigrants, those who criticizes law enforcement being the enemy.

I will be blunt, I tuned out after 20 minutes. It was the longest and most unimpressive speech ever.

Trump was still in primary mode. He was hoping to bring the Republicans together. Alas, he didn't.

Someone on the inside allegedly leaked out Trump's acceptance speech tonight. The Hillary Clinton presidential campaign had all the ammunition to take down Trump.

Okay, I won't bore you too much with the details but it's the list of talkers who ended up on the floor before The Donald made his plea for president.

Donald Trump

Ivanka Trump

Joe Arpaio

Marsha Blackburn

Peter Thiel

Mary Fallin

Jerry Falwell, Jr.

Reince Priebus

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