
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Ted Cruz Forever The Ass!

Ted Cruz's condescending speech made the news.

Day three of the Republican Convention in Cleveland. The world gets introduced to the running mate of Donald J. Trump. He is Indiana governor Mike Pence. He's relatively controversial for a Midwestern governor.

He was the second pick. According to CBS, the Trump campaign was seriously vetting the failed presidential candidate John Kasich as their running mate. Kasich is the current governor of Ohio.

Kasich refuses to endorse Trump. He stayed clear of Cleveland.

Paul Ryan formally introduced Mike Pence to the stage.

Pence right off the bat went to defending his past days as a lawmaker in Washington. He talks about his life, his family and why he chose to be the running mate for Trump instead of running for reelection governor of Indiana. He was critical of President Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders and Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. I am going to be honest. I was bored with his speech.

I was bored with the speech of failed presidential candidate Scott Walker. Walker is the current governor of Wisconsin. He was the first serious candidate to drop out the race. He was speaking to a bored RNC audience.

Eric Trump got an opportunity to give mad props to his dad. He said the usual disgust with Obama, Clinton, government regulations, his faith, his family and why the need to support his dad is very important. It was a bore.

Former astronaut Eileen Collins didn't endorse Donald Trump and it got some major attention.

It was the conservative agitator Laura Ingraham, the failed 2012 presidential candidate and washed up politico Newt Gingrich and failed presidential candidate Ted Cruz who got the crowd on their feet.

Newt "Frankly" Gingrich got praised for his sharp tongue. His attacks on Obama, Clinton, Muslims and Black Lives Matter got huge standing ovations.

Ted Cruz stole the show by not endorsing Trump. He was booed by the Republicans.

Here's the videos

Mike Pence

Scott Walker

Laura Ingraham

Eric Trump

Tiffany Trump

Eileen Collins

Newt Gingrich

Ted Cruz

For good measure, Ted Cruz getting interrupted by Donald Trump's plane.

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