
Friday, July 22, 2016

Raising Kaine!

It's raining Kaine!

Hillary Clinton's running mate is Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA). He was the former governor of Virginia and Democratic Party chairman. He was formerly the mayor of Richmond.

"I'm thrilled to share this news: I've chosen Tim Kaine as my running mate," Clinton said to the email. "Tim is a lifelong fighter for progressive causes and one of the most qualified vice presidential candidates in our nation's history."

She added, "I've have the privilege of seeing two presidents and two vice presidents up close. I want a vice president who can be my partner in bringing this country together. I want someone who will be able to give me their best advice, look me in the eye, and tell me they disagree with me when they do," said Clinton.

Clinton's pick will rile up liberals. They were hoping that her pick would be more progressive.

Alas it's not. Many progressives are pissed that Clinton would pick a candidate who is in favor of deregulating the banks.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) was a formidable opponent. He forced Clinton to the left on many issues that the base supports. Kaine isn't 100% progressive. He's about 75% at best on the progressive level.

Sanders said back in May.

"I would hope, if I am not the nominee, that the vice-presidential candidate will not be from Wall Street, will be somebody who has a history of standing up and fighting for working families, taking on the drug companies whose greed is doing so much harm, taking on Wall Street, taking on corporate America, and fighting for a government that works for all of us, not just the 1%."

He will bring his A-game to a campaign that needs some major boost. Clinton's pick will be the attack dog against Donald Trump and his running mate Mike Pence.

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