
Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Gretchen Carlson: Fox News Is Not Only "Sexist" But It Is GOP Propaganda!

Gretchen Carlson sues the Fox.

Looks like Gretchen Carlson is no longer on the right leaning network. Fox News let her go over the past two weeks. It seems to be some bad blood on her way out.

Carlson filed a federal lawsuit against Fox News and FOX Entertainment CEO Roger Ailes alleging wrongful termination, hostile work environment and sexual harassment.

The news is a bombshell. After all, the Fox News Channel is obsessed with Bill Clinton's alleged affairs and it's no surprise that Roger Ailes has a thing for blonde women.

Jon Stewart called it right. Carlson was playing dumb to keep her job.

Carlson who was the host of The Real Story at 2pm was absent for the last few weeks and it started to grab the attention of the junk food media. I mean she held that spot for two years after leaving the couch.

She was the co-host of Fox & Friends from 2006 to 2013 with those two pinheads Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade. She got the gig after E.D. Hill was booted off the couch. Carlson was soon replaced with Elisabeth Hasselbeck who took over in 2013 and left the network in 2015.

Ainsley Earhardt is the current blonde on the couch.

In the lawsuit, Carlson says that her 11 years on the network were miserable. She was getting condescending treatment from Ailes after she complained about the antics behind the camera.

She says that Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade just couldn't keep their mouths closed when they saw a female anchor walking around in a tight mini skirt. They basically were treating female guests and co-hosts like sluts.

Ailes basically shrugged it off and offered a night on him. She said that Ailes wanted to have a sexaul relationship with her after she complained about them pinheads.

I've noticed this sometime ago when I did have cable. Doocy did act like an ass around Carlson.

In the lawsuit, she said that Doocy engaged in a "pattern and practice of severe and pervasive sexual harassment" that included "mocking her during commercial breaks, shunning off air, refusing to engage with her on air, belittling her contributions to the show."
Damn, it's getting ugly over at The Avenue of Americas.
It might also be noted that Alisyn Camerota left the network to join CNN. It might also be noted that Elisabeth Hasselbeck said that she rather spend time with her family. Did they feel some type of way too?

Wondering how Megyn Kelly got her primetime gig?

Did she have to do something to get something?

Oh, the gossip around the tree is Roger Ailes. It was said that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is sitting on a bombshell story about Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly. He bailed on Fox News during his feud with Kelly. Trump had talked to Ailes and Rupert Murdoch in the past and they seem to be making nice for the time being.

It's also noted that Ed Henry is probably off Fox News too. He was caught in his own sexual harassment scandal. Henry was dogging on Hillary Clinton about them goddamn emails.

Fox is running this narrative that Hillary Clinton got away with not being indicted on misuse of emails. Republicans have now called for investigations into the FBI and their handling of the case.

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