
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The Cosby Nation Collapses!

Cosby being helped by his bodyguards. The troubled entertainer will have to testify in court after one of his accusers press charges on him. He admits to slipping the drinks but he denies raping the women.

If you haven't heard the news, that famed comedian Bill Cosby will have a day in court. He will face the judge, the jury and the prosecutor who is willing to put him in the iron college for the rest of his life.

Of course, Cosby is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Well, last year Bill Cosby went from A-list to washed up in a matter of months. He was accused by over 4 dozen women of having slipping quaaludes into their drinks and having his way with them.

One of the accusers decided the time is now. Cosby who admitted to having numerous affairs denies raping the victim.

The victim was a former employee at Temple University, Cosby's old alma mater.

Cosby, 78 was present for the preliminary hearing in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania discussing the charges with his defense team.

The victim named Andrea Constand, accused Cosby of slipping her something in her wine and then they would have sex. She would wake up feeling sick and not remembering a thing.
Career is over. From A-list to washed up in a matter of months.
Cosby tried to hide the assault by paying for Constand's daughter's education. Cosby had also allegedly slept with a 17 year old model in 1976.

If found guilty of this charge, he could be facing up to 30 years in the iron college and will have to register as a TIER III sexual offender for the rest of his life.

His career is all but ruined. The Cosby Show, Fat Albert, Cosby, Little Bill, iSpy, The Bill Cosby Show, A Different World, his music and comedy albums, his movies like Ghost Dad are scrapped from every network and cable channel.

His management company fired him out the cannon. Now Cosby is certain to lose his wife Camille and his family's support if more damning evidence comes forth.

Cosby was the TV Dad who told Black men to pull up their pants and raise them children. I guess he's one to talk about Black men!

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