
Monday, May 16, 2016

Newt Gingrich: I'm Frankly Honored If Trump Picks Me!

Trump is considering a gasbag for his running mate.

The controversial presumptive Republican nominee is considering a washed up politician as his running mate. Would he pick him and risk a hail mary?

Newt Gingrich the failed 2012 Republican presidential candidate is being floated around as the possible vice presidential candidate to Donald J. Trump. 

Oh great, the guy who once called President Barack Obama, the "food stamp president". 

This washed up politician was once a House Speaker. He was part of the great Republican Revolution. He was the biggest headache to then president Bill Clinton. Now that his wife, former first lady Hillary Clinton is running for president, the Republicans are dusting off their old playbook to target her as an enabler of her husband's alleged affairs. 

Around that time, Republicans were hoping to have Bill Clinton removed from office after he lied about having an affair with intern Monica Lewinsky. The Republicans were pushing this "family values" nonsense. 

All the while, Newt was getting it on with a lobbyist named Callista Bisek. He was once married to a woman who was his teacher. He would have an affair on her with another woman who was an author of his crappy biography. He would deliver the news of a divorce to his first wife while being treated for cancer. After six years of marriage to his second wife, he would have this affair with this lobbyist who is currently his wife. She is 26 years younger than him.

Gingrich is a hack. He's a hypocrite, a serial cheater and moron. He needs to crawl back under a goddamn rock.

The "Contract with America" was a Republican pledge to destroy the middle class. The policies and laws passed by the Republicans created the gap that made the rich richer and the poor poorer.

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