
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Colorado GOP Claims Hacker Racially Dissed Obama!

One of the many offensive emails being spread around attacking President Barack Obama. This one came from the Ferguson, Missouri Police Department. This is the city that caused uproar over the Michael Brown shooting.

The Colorado Republican Party denies it was insulting the president. When have I've heard that one?

You remember Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) called the president a "tar baby".  I remember because his congressional district is where this ignorant woman decided to post an offensive image of the president on social media. The junk food media outed her and she's standing by the racially offensive posting.

The Colorado GOP claimed that a hacker made a racist meme depicting the first Black president as a chimpanzee. It was posted on a local chairwoman's Facebook page.

Linda Sorenson, the chair of Delta County Republican Central Committee told conservative outlets that the meme was a "joke".

"I really don't care if people are offended by it", she said. "Un-friend me. Stop looking at me on Facebook".
This ignorant piece says it's just a joke and people shouldn't be offended.
The image has been removed and local party officials might punish her for this. But I seriously doubt it. The Republicans are embracing Donald Trump's philosophy of being "politically correct".

It's no surprise that the controversy at the Cincinnati Zoo became a story about President Barack Obama.

A gorilla was killed after zoo officials had to rescue a 4-year old boy who got into the area where the animal resides.

International condemnation is passed around. The zoo officials and the parents are getting death threats and calls for charges to be brought upon for killing the gorilla. Gorillas are endangered species.

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