
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Softball Hannity Picks A Fight With GOP Senator!

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) and Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE). Sasse is the most vocal opponent of Donald Trump. He said that he will not support the Republican nominee and it riled up the country's most annoying conservative agitator.

The most annoying conservative agitator on radio and cable news once again has another orgy over Donald Trump. Softball Hannity once again give the notion that America's biggest asshole is capable of being the President of the United States.

He's clearly obsessed once again with this "guilt-by-association" nonsense. He's been on this fixation that former president Bill Clinton went on private trips with Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire who was convicted of unlawful sexual conduct. The annoying agitator said that he's got a whole list of issues that could damage Democratic presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton.

He's gleefully playing repeats of Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) getting booed by Bernie Sanders supporters at the Nevada Democratic Convention. Boxer who endorsed Hillary Clinton for president said that she loves Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) but feels that a viable path to victory belongs to Clinton and the trolls started booing.

Sanders is still a formidable foe. He's hoping to upset Clinton in Kentucky. After all, the coal comments did hurt her in the West Virginia primary. Clinton is hoping to seal the deal and move on to facing the controversial media mogul.

Now you know I am no fan of Ted Cruz, but I do have a bit of sympathy for the country's most hated politician. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was the Republican's last hope of stopping Trump.

Trump best buddy, Roger Stone laid out the grenades and Cruz stepped on them.

Cruz refuses to support Trump after the bombshell story of Cruz having numerous affairs became public. His last attempt at winning an ounce of attention was to go on Softball Hannity's show with his running mate Carly Fiorina.

Cruz's defeat clears the path for Trump to become the nominee. Cruz was the candidate that Democrats wanted to face. With Trump in this race, it's pretty unpredictable.

Most pollsters say Clinton will beat Trump. The chances for her to defeat him are not as high as they once predicted. Clinton has a 54% chance of beating Trump in a general election.

Republicans aren't so ready to support Trump. There are a handful of Republicans devoted to defeating Trump before he creates more havoc.

Sean Hannity admits that he gives softball interviews to Republicans. So he should be referred by the public as Softball Hannity. 

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) is a vocal opponent of Trump. He said he will not support either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump in the general election.

He said that given the possibility of Trump being the Republican nominee, Sasse said that the party is on the verge of being extinct.

That caught the attention of Softball Hannity. In October, the agitator went on to bash Sasse as being a "spoiled brat" who just upset the public isn't looking for the status quo. He said that Sasse might as well be a Democrat. He said that any Republican threatening to support a third party candidate or Clinton isn't a Republican.

Sasse confronted Softball Hannity at CPAC and told him that he's full of shit. Sasse was close to knuckle rolling that fool in the face.

Sasse says he's gotten death threats to his office because of this agitator's rhetoric.

Mitt Romney and many other Republicans are talking about a third party candidate and may recruit Ben Sasse as their nominee. Romney's former running mate Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) caused a shitstorm when he said he's not ready to endorse Trump. The House Speaker met with Trump over the weekend and they didn't work out their differences.

The annoying agitator is saying that he would rather see Democrats fight and riot in Philadelphia.

He confident that Republicans won't fight and riot in Cleveland.

Anyway, do you believe that Softball Hannity's rhetoric will cost the Republicans the election?

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