
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Mass Attack In Brussels!

Terrorism in Belgium.

Tuesday morning in Brussels, a series of explosions rocked the city. We can't confirmed the alleged attack was inspired by the Islamic State. Given the junk food media's rush to judgment, it's likely inspired by homegrown extremists who have no care for the lives they've taken. They wanted to send a message to the government that they're out of options.

The "NICE GUY" is the most dangerous person to have a firearm or a bomb.

The "NICE GUY" is the rejected by society.

The "NICE GUY" is the person easily convinced that they have no future. They'll do anything to get attention. They would send a message to the world that they were rejected by life. They would send a message to the world that they were ignored and they were pushed aside. So they want to ruin the lives of others to prove they're noticed for these horrific acts.

We may never know the victims or the names of those involved. But count on the junk food media to make the case that we have to "fear" them. We will expect the junk food media to have ignore other mass tragedies overseas. I mean this is the umpteenth time a terrorist attack this year.

The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant and al Qaeda has stepped up mass casualties events.
Suicide bombers hit the METRO in Brussels.
The coincidence that it happened after they nabbed Salah Abdeslam, the alleged co-inspirer in the Paris attacks.

The junk food media here is covering the tragic attacks in the Belgian capital. Wondering if Facebook activated the "I Am Safe" button?

But if you're not aware of the mass murder tragedies overseas, this one happened in a city that many Americans consider "advanced".

At peak time, a set of explosions went off in the airport. Another set of explosions at the train station.

We can't confirm the total of casualties or victims of this mass murder. It's likely going to be extremely high and the junk food media will break into normal programming to cover this.

I believe it's an act of terrorism.

This week the Belgian authorities were on high alert before this incident occurred.

There were two explosions at Brussels Airport this morning. One was in the international departure hall near the American Airlines and SN Brussels Airlines check-in desks, while according to French media the other was on the runway.

Belgium's federal prosecutor has since confirmed that the explosions were carried out by a suicide bomber.

A group of people entered a the metro subway during the peak hour. They set off a round of explosions around the Maelbeek/Maalbeek metro station and Schuman metro station near the European Parliament.

We haven't forgotten about the Istanbul bombing last week. And we haven't forgotten the mass shooting in Cote d'Ivoire. These acts were duly ignored by the junk food media.

Facebook probably didn't activate the "I Am Safe" a quarter of the mass murders in the world. It only activated the function for a select few. And it's getting much attention.

Facebook has come under fire previously for its selective use of the tool, noted Quartz. In November 2015 Facebook activated the feature for attacks in Paris in which more than 130 people died — the first time it did so for a terrorist event. But it didn't launch the tool for Lebanon's capital city Beirut, which had been hit by suicide bombings which killed 43 people the previous day.

President Barack Obama, France's President François Hollande and Great Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron were notified. The British intelligence and the FBI are going to send authorities to aid Belgian officials. No confirmation of American deaths.

Washington, DC, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Paris, London, Moscow, Madrid, Berlin, Delhi, and Amsterdam are increasing counterterrorism measures.

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton will shift focus from bullshiting about issues here to focus on terrorism abroad.

Expect the conservative agitators to bitch about the president's response to the tragedy.

World News Today send our condolences to those killed and injured in these senseless tragedies here and abroad.

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