
Thursday, March 10, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Obama Skipping Nancy Reagan Funeral!

President Barack Obama with former first lady Nancy Reagan in 2009. Conservatives are outraged that he skipped the funeral of the former first lady to attend an annual convention.

This week, World News Today heard that former first lady Nancy Reagan passed away. We learned that Barack Obama ordered flags to be lowered for the rest of the week and released a statement acknowledging the actions by Reagan.

Reagan died at her home in Bel Air, Los Angeles, California at the age of 94. The junk food media was covered the death and they paid their respects to the former first lady.

The former first lady always had a private life. She didn't want to be a political pawn in the presidential elections. Conservatives can't figure it out! They're outraged that the president decided to skip the funeral of the former first lady.

President Barack Obama is not immune from the criticism of the conservatives agitators in the junk food media. Many conservatives are outraged that the president and First Lady Michelle Obama decided to skip the funeral to attend the SXSW (South By Southwest) festival in Austin, Texas.

This is the second time that the president got caught up in an unexpected crisis in the world.

Of course, the funeral is private and the public is allowed to pay their respects today.

And if he shown up to the event. Expect conservatives to complain about the traffic being shut down, the air traffic being shut down, the president doing a speech about a policy that Nancy Reagan supported but conservatives didn't, him crying and also shaking hands with representatives that aren't conservative.

Then you'll hear about golf outings, vacations and costly flight travels.

Here's a real question, why aren't the Republican leaders or candidates not attending the funeral of Nancy Reagan?

Tonight will be the Republican debate. Why don't Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Marco Rubio skip the debate and attend the funeral in Simi Valley, California. Since they're so invested at the Reagan legacy, why don't they cancel their campaign stops, their fundraising events, and television appearances to head to the funeral.

Matter of fact, why don't Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Kevin McCarthy, and the rest of Congress stop what they're doing and attend the funeral.

They're so fixated on the legacy of Ronald Reagan. They're still 30 years behind and a dollar short of reality.

Here's a conservative agitator running around Washington, DC trying to interview citizens about it.

Damned if Obama did! Damned if Obama didn't!


  1. Anonymous8:41 PM

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  2. Anonymous12:29 AM

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