
Saturday, March 12, 2016

Trump Toasted On Rye!

Donald Trump had a scare today. The controversial Republican frontrunner was in Dayton, Ohio today. He was at the Exposition Center at the Dayton International Airport with a large crowd. As Trump was speaking, some guy managed to penetrate the bubble.

The U.S. Secret Service had to stop a man from rushing the stage. It really did frighten Trump.
Trump speaks before the crowd.
The suspect, Thomas DiMassimo is being held on assault charges and inciting violence. The suspect is innocent until proven guilty.

The Dayton Police, the Dayton Airport Police, Montgomery County sheriff and U.S. Secret Service were prepared for the potential of violence.

The Chicago rally was abruptly cancelled after protesters disrupted the event and Trump supporters got upset. It led to a riot on the University of Illinois-Chicago campus.

DiMassimo is an activist who wanted to shake up things up. I guess that planned backfired.

Now Trump and the conservative agitators are claiming that the suspect is a supporter of the Islamic State. It's not verified that the suspect was a part of the extremist group.

Video is disturbing.

Dimassimo, a student at Wright State University in Dayton, has been an avid supporter of the Black Lives Matter movement and Vermont Senator and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on social media.

He has also taken part in rallies and protests in the past, including a rally at Wright State in April 2015, when he was recorded dragging an American flag. You can watch video from that protest above.

Once the suspect was taken away, Trump remarks to the crowd.

“I was ready for him, but it’s much easier if the cops do it, don’t we agree? And to think I had such an easy life! What do I need this for, right?,” the Washington Post reports.
U.S. Secret Service restrains man after he infiltrated the bubble.
He posted on social media that he was going to infiltrate the bubble and make the news.

These charges could have him spending a few months up to a nickel in the iron college. And since the conservative agitating media claims he's a supporter of #BlackLivesMatter and the Islamic State, no question, he'll get a fair amount of death threats.

#BlackLivesMatter would be blamed for this.

And of course, conservatives will lambasted the #BlackLivesMatter as supporters of the Islamic extremist group.

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