
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Tragedy In Hesston, Kansas!

cedric ford, cedric ford hesston kansas, cedric ford excel industries
Terrorist killed his co-wokers
President Barack Obama, Republican governor Sam Brownback, U.S. Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Rep. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS) were notified of the mass shooting at the Hesston Excel Industry plant.

Hesston is 40 miles from Wichita. Interstate 135 is the main highway that travels through the town of 4,000.

The terrorist was named Cedric Ford, as confirmed by CBS News. The terrorist killed multiple individuals and injured over 20 people.

The suspect is a Black male. Obviously, I expect the blame game to come forth. First the conservatives will label this terrorist a "liberal Obama supporter" or a "Black Lives Matter activist".

Of course, the fact that he was "the NICE GUY" with a gun is most troubling.

I expect the racial extremists Jim Hoft and Colin Flaherty will bring up Black-on-Whatever crime.

The Drudge Report will lay splash to the terrorist's background. The conservatives will say that "if the workers had firearms" or "If I was in this situation" hypothetical.

Then again, I see that the law managed to kill this terrorist after they told him to drop his arms. All the while, the Kalamazoo terrorist was arrested without incident. The terrorist in the Kalamazoo massacre was a White terrorist who worked for Uber.
Excel is a manufacture of riding lawn mowers.
The Harvey County Sheriff T. Walton says 4-7 people, including the shooter at Excel Industries in Hesston have been killed.

Walton said as many three people were killed. As many as 20 people were hurt. Walton said there are four to five crime scenes in this case.

Police have not said they have a motive for the shooting.

He lived in Newton, Kansas, the town where one of the shootings occurred. A trailer park there was swarmed by officers about an hour after the initial shootings.

This is the second most high profile mass shooting in the United States this year.

Who takes the blame for the Hesston mass shooting?

Barack Obama
The Shooter
None Of These Above
make quizzes

World News Today send our condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy.

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