
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Dems The Debates!

The first debate of the year for the Democrats. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) go at one more time before the Iowa Caucus.

Did you know that the Democratic debate is on tonight on NBC?

Of course, not! Many Democrats are grumbling about this! They blame Democratic chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) for her deliberate attempts to place the debates in positions where viewership is expected to be low.

She's a supporter of Hillary Clinton. Although she is trying to distance herself from endorsing candidates, the Florida lawmaker is so in the tank for Clinton.

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and possibly Martin O'Malley will have a chance to duke it out one more time before the Iowa Caucus.

Obviously, the Clinton and Sanders Campaign will spar at each other tonight. 

Clinton is leading in national polls, but Sanders is catching up with her. He is leading in New Hampshire and Clinton is leading in Iowa. It's pretty much a neck and neck race.

Both of them will praise and criticize President Barack Obama's policies. They will obviously go after the Republican front runners Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. They will address controversies sparked by their campaigns. Clinton obviously will be hit on her trustworthiness. Sanders will be hit on his "socialist" views on America.

Lester Holt, Andrea Mitchell and Chuck Todd will have the moderating seat.

Expect the viewership to be in the 5 million.

I will probably not watch it. It's a shame that the field is weak. 

I like Bernie Sanders. But it seems like it's a deliberate attempt to give Hillary Clinton an advantage by limiting the debate schedule. Unfortunately I am not inspired by any candidate running for president.

The Democrats are not hitting Republicans hard enough. Republicans are too extreme. They aren't focused on real issues.

Both candidates appeared on GOP Sundays along with Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Jeb Bush.

If you're watching it, good for you! You might get an opportunity to get some much needed sleep.

Matter of fact, the Republican debate was really noise pollution. I couldn't stand it. It was nothing more than tongue flexing and Obama bashing. It was truly a waste of time to listen to them. But if you're a Republican primary voter, you got all you needed. 

We're a few weeks to the Iowa Caucus. Are you hoping for your candidate to win?

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