
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Papa Smurf Up In The Polls!

Benjamin Carson and Donald Trump lead in the polls. Trump is down in the CBS/New York Times poll to Carson.

Wednesday will have the third Republican debate. CNBC will host this debate at the University of Colorado in the city of Boulder. There will be ten candidates on stage to debate who can be a wiz in economics. Many of the candidates who are on stage will be the usual ones but who will be the center is up in the air. Today, a new poll shows a real competition for the top spot.

Ben Carson for the first time is leading in the national polls. The CBS/New York Times poll has the former neurosurgeon up by a few points against Donald Trump.

Trump who has been leading for months saw a decline in this poll. Carson who suspended his campaign for fundraising and promoting his newest book has gradually seen religious conservatives flock to his bandwagon.

The junk food media has been watching the back and forth between Trump and Carson. These two are extremely controversial candidates.

Trump already sparked outrage when he mocked Carson's religion. Trump considers his rival a "low energy candidate". I agree with Trump on that thing.

Carson is a Seventh Day Adventist and vegetarian. His soft spoken demeanor and "genius" skills makes him a pretty boring guy. I believe he's an opportunist who has no real capability of running government.

Conservatives are hoping Carson avoids playing "the race card" when he excels in the race for the nomination.

On GOP Sundays, Carson made some comments that got some attention. He said comments that were just as bad as Todd Akin.

When you look at the polls, many Republicans aren't excited about their candidates. I mean Trump still has the advantage on "populist outrage" and "a need for change". Carson has the advantage on "who can appeal" and "what conservatives stand for".

The polls have also been well for Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL). Rubio is facing criticism for being a relatively inept lawmaker. Rubio claims that he can't stand his job as a lawmaker. So why the fuck is he running for president? The president is the head of government.

Other candidates who are struggling but still in this race are Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and John Kasich.

The lower tier candidates Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, Jim Gilmore and George Pataki will host their debate in the early.

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