
Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Duggars Lost Their TV Gig!

The end of the road for The Duggars.

Josh Duggar, the former activist for the Focus on The Family destroyed his family's meal ticket.

The clown tent is full of clowns. Josh Duggar spoke and shook hands with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Wisconsin gov. Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum.

His allegations of molesting his younger brothers and sisters finally came to full circle when they decided to pull the plug on TLC's 19 and Counting.

JimBob and Michelle Duggar hid their oldest son Josh's transgressions involving him molesting his young siblings. That right there made the executives pull the plug on the mega hit reality show.

Now the big family from Northwestern Arkansas is now out of a job. They were fired out the cannon.

Megyn the Outrage Princess couldn't save this.

Last week Jared Fogle got dumped from Subway after allegations of child pornography surfaced.

Bill Cosby's nation collapse after the AP unearthed his last encounters in court. He admitted to drugging women and raping them.

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