
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Gomer Pyle May Run For Prez!

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is thinking about jumping into the clown car. This is not Graham. It's Jim Nabors, who plays Gomer Pyle, the character from the Andy Griffith Show and Gomer Pyle USMC.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) the perennial complainer of all things Obama is considering a run for the White House. Graham and his best friend for life Senator John McCain (R-AZ, former 2008 Republican presidential nominee) have been fixtures on GOP Sundays.

They often are cited as "experts" on the "War on Terrorism". Graham and McCain are clueless, useless and just plain worthless.

These two often beat on their chest and throwing their poo at the president and his allies.

With the possibility of a perennial Hillary run, the establishment and insurgency isn't wasting time.

They want to destroy the potential Democratic nominee.

The Republicans are doing a full makeover. Republican circus ringmaster Reince Priebus is trying to make the party viable for the 2016 elections. They are cutting back debates and hope to have a strong nominee by the end of July. They want to use the techniques that President Barack Obama used during his reelection bid.
This bonehead could make an announcement in the coming month.
The establishment already has Jeb Bush and perennial loser Mitt Romney thinking about jumping into the clown car.

The insurgency has Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), Dr. Benjamin Carson and Mike Huckabee in consideration as well.

On GOP Sundays, he told Meet The Press host Chuck Todd, that he's formed an exploratory committee and is considering it seriously.

Graham is 59 years old. Graham is a leading foreign policy hawk and interventionist.

He is known for his willingness to be bipartisan and work with Democrats on issues like climate change, tax reform and immigration reform and his belief that judicial nominees should not be opposed solely on their philosophical positions.

He is also a critic of the insurgent Rand Paul (R-KY) and many others in the insurgency.

Graham is arguing for a more inclusive Republican Party.

Graham has never married and has no children leading to some questioning his sexuality.

Graham has never admitted he's gay but sure enough, the rumors are there and people are willing to make that an issue if he runs for president.

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