
Thursday, December 25, 2014

You Are F**king Annoying!

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Merry Christmas to all those reading here at Journal de la Reyna.

Mediaite announces their worst agitators in the media. No surprise that Rev. Perm, Don Lemon, and Ronan Farrow were ranked up as some of the worst agitators in the media. But one that manage to beat them by far is that annoying conservative agitator.

This will be the most happiest thing to say to the face of America's most annoying conservative agitator. I am proudly saying to Sean Hannity of talk radio and Fox News, that the world hates you!

Nah, that's too harsh. Know that many of your colleagues and those who wrote for Mediaite hate you!

Seriously, not everyone hates him. He is surely hated by a majority of those in the junk food media.

It's just his demeanor, the way he talks down guest who disagree with him and the pseudo-patriotism on his right wing carnival. They rank that top reason to be voted the "worst" cable news host.

Sean, I think you're a very successful person. No question. You have a gift that granted you the power to influence millions of your viewers, listeners, readers and followers. You can say that you're not a failure. But however, I would just say this with no remorse:

You are fucking annoying! You are the reasons why America is driven down into the cesspool. You figured that since President Barack Obama won reelection, the people who voted for him are "stupid" to paraphrase Jonathan Guber.
Mediaite says that he is by far the worst cable news host ever.
You have the right to criticize the president regardless of the good or bad he's done. But quite frankly, you can't give him credit for anything. Even in the wake of an economy rebounding, the killing of Osama bin Laden, the lower prices in fuel and stable relationships with our allies, you seem to credit George W. Bush and Republicans. That's your opinion and your right. But clearly, ignoring Obama's achievements is certainly a reason for the Mediaite ranking.

The moment he got into the White House, I've heard the word vomit of Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, birth certificates, bowing, golfing, and vacations from you. It's repetitive and it seems to stick among the listeners of your programs.

For everything wrong with America doesn't solely lie on the feet of Obama. The Republicans, Democrats and of course the media deserve the blame. Sean, you are a part of the media and yes you're a part of America's downfall.

You are a Republican agitator. You support the deviants. You support racists. You support stupidity.

You have your head in the sand. Your head is comfortably fitted right up your ass.

You will forever be the second most listened talk radio agitator and third most watched on that network.

You got demoted for a reason. You were the forefront of that network's credibility being challenged by the very liberals you hate so much. It's a damn shame that even some conservatives can't stand you!

Joe Scarborough (aka Blow Joe), Erick Erickson, Michael Steele, Steven Crowder, and Bill O'Reilly (aka O'Loofus) can't stand you.

You can't go a freaking day without mentioning Barack Obama name in a sentence.

If you claim that I am a brainwashed liberal and all that other garbage, I want you to know. I've studied you and listened to your radio show since 2007

For the seven years, I've come to respect you and loathe you as well. The loathe is basically simple.

You and that other annoying talk radio turd smoother the others out. You are heard on 500 radio stations and pretty much wipe out the local agitators who have the same obsession with Obama.

You have a mighty good fanbase. Half of the shit you be telling them is pretty much bonk. But since you've said it, I guess  no matter what, it's true to them.

Keep doing what you do at your own peril, Sean. Sooner or later, Roger is going to pull the plug on you. And the next thing I'll be hearing is you landing a show on TheBlaze.

So I am predicting this in essence of 2015, I will continue to see the downfall. I am certain that in less than five years, Sean will be either sacked from that network or pulled from radio.

I count the days until that happen.

Again, I wish you well. But Sean, you're on the wrong path. Change course. Seriously, change course!


10. Calling Jay-Z a former crack dealer, knowing that he's a media mogul. Upset that Jay-Z talked New York governor Andrew Cuomo and President Barack Obama.

9. Telling actor Charles Grodin that he would be waterboarded for charity. Never attempted to do it.

8. Telling his listeners in Cincinnati that he'll be in for a Tea Party rally that costed $25 to attend. When Media Matters for America exposed that, Roger Ailes ordered him back to the studio. He almost got fired after that incident.

7. Telling his audience that Barack Obama will lose in a landslide.

6. Interviewing a guest who was a beach bum on welfare assistance. I am guessing this guy was an actor and staged the whole ordeal to get attention.

5. Picking a fight with Jon Stewart. Obviously, fighting a comedian makes him look like he can't take a joke. Stewart caught him using footage from Glenn Beck's Tea Party rally to give Michele Bachmann's Tea Party rally the impression that it was packed. Stewart also pointed out his support for anti-Black and anti-gubmint rancher Cliven Bundy. Mocked him for his interaction with police being a privileged White man, Stewart also hammered Sean after the agitator label the comedian a "chief apologist" for the Barack Obama administration.

4. Calling Barack Obama the "anointed one", "crybaby in chief" and constantly name dropping him even in the most trivial themes. Notoriously mocking the president for doing arm curls with mini weight.

3. Getting demoted from the 9pm spot after 15 years. His show is basically a screamfest.

2. Giving airtime to extremists like Pat Buchanan, Dick Morris, Allen West, Ann Coulter, Jesse Lee Peterson, Michelle Malkin, Mark Fuhrman, C.L. Bryant, and David Webb.

1. Saying  people who agree with him are "Great American". Whenever they disagree with him, he curses at them. He complains about how anti-American some are because they don't agree with him.