
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Girls Gone Buckwild!

Female gang bangers.
Without race stories how could that racial arsonist stay relevant?

Again the conservative agitator's website attracts extremists. Someone "TIPS" off the website with Black criminal acts. That's prime real estate for the racist right. Insert a racial slur and Barack Obama's name in this and they really have a party.

The racist right seethes in this stuff. They hate a Browner America. That's why you hear them say "SHUT THE BORDERS" when it comes to asylum seeking immigrants. Even though it's an extremely low risk for catching Ebola, they want to quarantine and ban Americans from entering their own country.

Now the Baltimore area is grimy! A majority Black city where crime is at its worst.

The police are searching for a group of individuals who were filmed beating and robbing a teen.

Here's what the racist right never tell you! I'm pretty sure the police identified the group involved and they've been properly dealt with.

Second, whenever there's a White criminal who harbored anti-gubmint rhetoric on the run, they choose to ignore that. Let's use that one who murdered two Pennsylvania State Patrol officers using his survivalist skills to elude the authorities.

The racial arsonist.
Third, how is this news? Give it a name "SISTERHOOD" and there you go! Something to gin up ratings, media clicks and the racial word vomit.

A 17-year-old is beaten and robbed by a girl gang in West Baltimore. The entire thing was caught on cell phone camera and shared repeatedly on the web. Now the victim’s mother speaks with WJZ.

Meghan McCorkell has more on what she wants done.

The victim’s mother says she wants people to see the video so they can identify the girls who attacked her daughter.

It’s the disturbing video that’s been posted all over the Internet: a 17-year-old Baltimore County girl violently beaten and robbed by a group of girls on Tuesday.

“They punched her, they kicked her and mostly they stomped her in the head,” the victim’s mother said.

The victim’s mother, who didn't want to be identified, says the group that attacked her daughter is part of the “Sisterhood” gang.

“I just think something really needs to be done about these gangs because every time we turn the TV on, it’s another gang after somebody else’s child,” the victim’s mother said.

The incident happened just blocks from Mondawmin Mall, where the teen says she was headed for a job interview.

WJZ has the video of teens beating up another.
According to a police report obtained by WJZ, a school police officer at Frederick Douglass High School witnessed the gang of girls trying to pick fights near the school. The officer followed the group and kept them moving.

But moments later, the group jumped the teen on Wheeler Avenue, while someone shot the video.

“They just kept showing it on Facebook over and over and over again,” the victim’s mother said.

Five of the girls in the video have been arrested, but the victim’s mother wants more behind bars.

“If you know anything at all about any more of the members that had anything to do with this Sisterhood gang, would you please call and report it to the police,” the victim’s mother said.

The teen that was beaten suffered serious swelling to her face and was hospitalized overnight.

The suspects stole the girl’s cell phone, her coat and money.

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