
Friday, September 26, 2014

Oklahoma Man Decapitates Coworker! [NSFW]

Lunatic decapitates coworker after he was given the pink slip. He also opens up a can of worms. He was a parolee who recently converted to an Islamic Sunni.

Conservatives are in a panic over an Oklahoma man's brutal killing of a woman. The fear is that the man is an ex-convict who became a Muslim. Of course, some will automatically go into crisis mode.

The moment I heard about this, I thought initially it was a stabbing. Alas, its worse than I've thought.

Alton Nolen is being treated for his wounds after his co-worker (an off duty peace officer) put a slug in him. But the damage was done.

The man put the knife on his fellow co-worker at a Vaughn Food and Meat Packing plant in Moore, Oklahoma. He was given the pink slip. He snapped and went on a rampage. He would stab Colleen Hufford. The suspect put the wounds in her. Nolen sliced the neck and pulled the head.

He would find co-worker Traci Johnson. He was aiming to kill her too. After all he put the wounds in her and was going for the neck. Mark Vaughn, the co-founder saw the threat and put the slug in his stomach. Vaughn is a part time deputy for Oklahoma County sheriff. The actions of this man stopped a crazed man from doing more harm to the staff.
The company released a statement sending condolences to the victims of this senseless tragedy.
Okay, the FBI is looking into the possibility of terrorism (this also includes the prospect of workplace violence). Oklahoma Republican Governor Mary Fallon and President Barack Obama were notified of the situation.

Nolen was a parolee who has a long rap sheet. I guess that he was given an opportunity to get out of the iron college by working at the food processing plan. He blew it. So he snapped. He went through the front door with his car, exited the vehicle and decided to do slicing.

I mean it's horrible that this asshole done this. It's likely he's be given the gas chamber due to the severity of this.

The suspect is a Black man. The man was a Muslim. Cue the outrage meter. A Black man who murdered a White person. A Muslim extremist beheads an American. Radical Islam is here in America.

Moore, Oklahoma is the largest suburb in the Oklahoma City metro area. The area has just survived some of the worse tornado outbreaks in American history. Over 100 people parished in the outbreak.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the family of Colleen Hufford.

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