
Sunday, November 03, 2013

The Simpsons Take Aim At Loserville!

Kent Brockman reunited with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow after he rejected her offer to host his own cable news show.

The Fox animated sitcom took another shot at Loserville.

To make it even better, the invited Rachel Maddow on the episode.

The Simpsons is the longest running primetime sitcom. With 533 episodes and running, America's most successful comedy is not a fan of the conservative leaning network.

Sometime ago, Loserville warned the producers not to run a ticker on the program. They seriously believe that the ticker could confuse viewers.

The Simpsons also managed to take a shot at CNN for their horrible ratings and The New York Times for its decline sales and readership.

The Simpsons reflect on a death of a character. Channel 6 anchor Kent Brockman played by Harry Shearer (talk radio host/voice actor) meets Maddow and felt regrets about missing his break to enter cable news.

So he heads to New York to take a job with Loserville and had second thoughts after a Loserville executive gave him remote control to make a Republican lawmaker become a Democrat after he said some embarrassing stuff.

Harry Shearer is the host of Le Show on NPR stations. He is the voice of Ned Flanders, Montgomery Burns, Symthers, Principal Seymour Skinner, Lenny, Otto The Bus Driver, Reverend Lovejoy, Dr. Hibbert and Reiner Wolfcastle.

Yeah, it's an ongoing feud with the producers and the conservative news network.

Other members of the news media include: Keith Olbermann, Dan Rather, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Rupert Mudoch (CEO of NewsCorporation), Larry King, Anderson Cooper and Brian Williams.

MSNBC recently added actor Alec Baldwin to their weekend lineup. Lawrence O'Donnell is off on Fridays, and in order to fill time, Baldwin was given a spot. His program is on at 10pm.

Ironic he actually is feuding with That Guy Who Helped Obama Win. That Guy was demoted to the 10pm spot when Chief Roger had enough of the sideshow. Chief Roger replaced the 9pm spot with Kelly The Ambulance Chaser.

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