
Friday, November 22, 2013

Loserville To Oprah: You BLACK People's Knockout Game Is Racist!

The Republican Party's mouth piece is upset over Oprah saying that "old racists" should die. Somehow, she must of have meant conservatives, because they've went bonkers.

Ever since she spoke the British press about how Americans disrespect President Barack Obama, the conservatives have figured out that the "knockout game" is the counterbalance to her concerns.

Yeah, how many times have I've heard about a group of "BLACK YOUTH" beating on WHITE PEOPLE?

Oprah is right on one thing: You can't satisfy them.

The Grio reports that the right wing media freakout was so huge, you might have to tell them they gonna need a bag for all the vomit. These individuals are so freaking outrageous, it's to the point of sadness.

First, King Hippo slammed her comments and suggested that if black people were “so mistreated” Oprah’s success makes no sense.

Now Loserville is entering the fray, singling out her argument that President Barack Obama has received different treatment than past leaders because he is black.

Bill-O dedicated a entire segment to the interview, accusing the talk show icon of “playing the race card.”

Conservative radio personality Rat Levin went even further, saying, “I really find her despicable. Not because she’s black. Not because she’s a woman. But because she’s despicable.”

And That Guy Who Helped Obama Win featured Oprah’s quote and image in an ominous ad which appears to make her look threatening:

Ever since Oprah endorsed then-Senator Barack Obama for president in 2008, she has become a popular target for conservative ire.

Earlier this year, when she shared an experience she had being racially profiled in Europe, King Hippo insisted she was only accosted because she is “overweight.”

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