
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Loserville Is Most The Trusted? Yeah Right!

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What is the Media Research Center smoking on?

I click on That Guy Who Throw Shit To The Wall's website and as usual more stories that focus on Black crime. More stories trying to mislead readers about the healthcare law. And the most ridiculous thing is a link to Newsbusters.

Newbusters is a conservative media watchdog group that covers allegations of liberal bias in the junk food media. It's founded by right wing extremist Brent Bozell of the Media Research Center.

Noel Shepard, editor-in-chief of the conservative blog takes an unscientific poll to prove that Loserville is the most fairest in coverage of the healthcare law and President Barack Obama.

Mr. Shepard, you really have to be fucking stupid. Not only that network has misled its gullible audience with numerous accusations towards the president but this network has sparked confusion, accusation and malcontent towards his allies in the Democratic Party or individuals they deem inferior to the conservative movement.

YouGov, a polling firm that associate with Loserville on occasions have conducted a survey of who's the most trustworthy in the healthcare debate.

They concluded when Americans are asked to pick the one source of information about the new health care law that they trust the most, Loserville tops the list. Most trusted by 19% of Americans, the basic cable news channel narrowly beats out 'friends and family' (17%).

President Obama (11%) is the third most trusted source, followed by National Public Radio (10%) and people's own insurance companies (9%).

So let me get this straight! If Loserville is telling their viewers and listeners about the healthcare law in a highly negative fashion, those family and friends will tell others. The constant harping of the likes of the turdporters, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win, Greta The Ambulance Chaser, Bill-O, and the Bow Tie Manchild have also made the law more toxic.

Loserville has stroked the most contentious and outlandish attacks against the healthcare law.

The Republican lawmakers have avoided explaining the law to their constituents. They spent a majority of their time in the House and Senate trying to undermine the law and the president.
The Republican Party's press secretary.
They have a big microphone with the junk food media. Loserville and talk radio have motivate pessimistic WHITE PEOPLE to not sign up. It's a requirement by law for all Americans to have insurance coverage.

The WHITE PEOPLE who are fixated on phobias and irrationality are likely to be the driving force to having criticism towards the law.

Republicans are the party of WHITE MEN and EXTREMISTS.

Loserville is the press secretary of the Republican Party.

They made it no secret they attack the president on the most trivial things. From Dijon mustard to Trayvon Martin. From golf outings to his birth certificate.

Loserville has been in the forefront of the lies and hateful rhetoric of President Barack Obama, the Black and Latino communities.

They are plotting for a Republican takeover of Congress. They know the law will work. They've played every card they could afford. They've delayed the law and took it to court.

And despite the fallout, I believe that the law will work for the good of all Americans.

Democrats are spineless. They fear the reactionary. They fear the Republicans could take back Congress and drive this country back into the crapper.

If you are disappointed about the healthcare rollout, that's fine. Understand. Hear you loud and clear.

But seriously, all the hoopla and knee capping isn't necessary. It's just plain silly.

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