
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

James Carville: Obama Should Toke A Crackpipe! He'll Be Popular Like [Toronto's] Mayor Rob Ford!

Tasteless joke by a hack Democratic strategist has riled up the conservatives.

James Carville is a former Bill Clinton strategist and married to Republican operative Mary Matlin.

He's called the RAGING CAJAN because of his combative debates. He misses them days over at CNN because Crossfire now has Newt Gingrich, S.E. Cupp, Van Jones and Stephanie Cutter hosting the show.

He and his wife were regular contributors to CNN. They were given the ax this year and now they appear on random competitors from time to time.

He's a "free agent" over at Loserville and Obama News. And whenever they invite him or his wife Matlin on, expect something crazy to come out of their mouths.

On Monday's Morning Joe, Carville was discussing the president's downward spiral in the polls.

He makes a "joke" about the president taking a cue from the embattled Canadian mayor Rob Ford.

Ford, the mayor of Toronto is facing heavy scrutiny after it was revealed that he was under the influence of cocaine and crack during his time as mayor. Gawker and other junk food media figures are paying huge sums to see the video of Ford toking a pipe.

The conservatives zeroed in on his notable quirk:

“I think the best thing he can do is take a toke on the mayor of Toronto’s crack pipe, because his numbers are about 48.”

For one thing, that's pretty dumb for someone to say that. If Carville really wanted to raise eyebrows, he could have said, "You know Obama could have his own Monica! It saved Bill Clinton!"

The only reason why former president Bill Clinton managed to stay in the high job approval is the onslaught of criticism from Republicans when they were obsessed "Clinton Scandals". The tipping point was the impeachment of Bill Clinton because he had an affair with intern Monica Lewinsky.

The Republicans were obsessed with her and Paula Jones. They were trying to get into the personal business of the president. They were trying to have him removed over sex.

In the case of President Barack Obama, it's his race. Carville quipped a "dog whistle". To compare the president to a corrupt mayor is pretty damn stupid.

It's probably why he was cut from CNN. This type of stuff isn't what CNN does. They don't want to be like Obama News and Loserville. They paid a price for neutrality. But in the long run, it may be its determent.

Carville, understand this. It's mostly his race that drives his polls down.

Because White voters are the most pessimistic when it comes to the economy. They are the most impatient when it comes to the healthcare law.

While a website isn't the full package of the American Healthcare Act, the ongoing stories about this stupid website and the minor problems that came when it was launched, this has dragged his job approval down.

For the three years since its passage, Congress hasn't motivate its constituents about the law. The Republicans and its conservative allies have deliberately misled and distort the law. The president's most staunch critics will not sign up for the healthcare benefits no matter what he tells them. The critics will then tell others to avoid the website.

People like That Guy Who Helped Obama Win have been notorious in misleading the public about the healthcare law.

Carville is friends with That Guy.

Another thing, he can't get nothing done with this inept Congress.

So I don't see where he can get an aggressive agenda done when you see either John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Kelly Ayotte, Mike Rogers, Steve King, Louie Gohmert, and David Vitter on every freaking news program!

They have no accomplishments other than the amount of time they spend in a front of a camera.

They haven't done much and yet we keep electing them.

So to James Carville and others like him, shut the fuck up!

The president is fine. He will do whatever he can to help the United States move forward. He will try to get things done with this lame ass Congress. Obama will succeed.

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