
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Conservatives: We Told You So! The "KNOCKOUT GAME" Is Real!

NYPD is searching for the guy who punched a woman unconscious.

Heartless and callous is the words I have for any individual who attacks random strangers with a five finger roll. Doesn't matter if they're Black, Hispanic or White, you participate in this bullshit, you're ass should be arrested for it.

A 76-year old woman was attacked in Brooklyn. Now it's becoming a mainstream controversy ginned up to make "US BLACK FOLK" the 'natural born criminals' the racist right claims we be!

Now since the White extremists are worked up and the junk food media now wants to find something to filter their time on, here comes the "Knockout Game".

Another race story, call this guy!
In the beginning I've never heard of this. I still don't believe this thing exist. Don't get me wrong, crime happens and what these individuals do is a crime. No human being should relish in randomly hitting a person without merit.

I mean how many drunken patrons get into a five finger roll?

Did you happen to see what happen during Black Friday 2013?

I don't condone this crazy shit. That shit right there makes me shake my head in disgust saying that you can't fix stupid and stupid is a disease that affects millions.

Some commentators in the United States have cast doubt that the knockout game is an actual trend and have termed it a myth or an example of moral panic. (I.e. Public Enemy's Fear Of A Black Planet)

Others have focused on the perception that the game is racially motivated and have called for it to be labeled a hate crime.

In some cases, media reports have specified that knockout attacks are "played" as a violent game. However, the "game" aspect of is of questionable status; claims concerning attacks range from urban myths, random unprovoked acts of aggression to an actual "game". Police in New York City questioned whether they were faced with a trend or simply a series of isolated incidents.

An attack in Pittsburgh in 2012 was tentatively linked to the recent attacks, although it was never identified as part of any "game".

However, New York State Assemblyman Jim Tedisco put forward legislation explicitly referencing "knockout" in order to charge juvenile offenders in these type of attacks as adults.

Police in in Syracuse, New York, reported that one assailant in a fatal attack admitted to it being "knockout", with a police sergeant noting that the assaults he was investigating were definitely "for a game" rather than being attempted murders or robberies.

On November 23, 2013, The New York Times reported that police officials in New York City were considering their position on the "game" and if they should advise the public, but had to contend with the uncertain existence of the game.

Many officials have outright refused to refer to the assaults as a "game", with Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter explicitly stating he did not want to give it any credibility while at a press conference after an attack at a Philadelphia pizzeria where the suspects never mentioned the game following the event. Likewise, New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly refused to refer to the attacks in Brooklyn as the "knockout game" to avoid possible copycat attacks.

Colin Flahtery, the new Andrew Breitbart.
Several attacks being associated with the "knockout game" do not follow any particular pattern; in several instances a single assailant attempts the one-punch attack, while in others multiple assailants participate in a gang attack. The "Knockout King" death of Nguyen in St. Louis was such a gang attack, and an alleged trend in Lansing, Michigan, called "point 'em out, knock 'em out" involved the use of a Taser.

n the coverage of the attacks in 2013, some conservative political commentators have focused on racial factors, alleging that the crimes are being committed primarily by African American youth and criticizing the media for ignoring the alleged racial nature of these attacks.

Bill-O (Bill O'Reilly), That Guy Who Helped Obama Win (Sean Hannity), Asshat Colin (Colin Flahtery), and That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall (Matt Drudge) have pushed the narrative of Black on White crime.

Loserville described the "Knockout" attacks as "another example of young black Americans committing senseless crimes" and expressed disappointment "they are getting precious little attention" in the junk food media.

Of course, you'll hear word vomit about President Barack Obama and Trayvon Martin.

Jeffrey Butts, the director of right wing John Jay College of Criminal Justice's Research and Evaluation Center, stated that the knockout game is likely being seen "through the lens of race" and that the fear stems from racial roots.

Emma Roller of Slate and Jamelle Bouie of The Daily Beast remarked that in a number of news reports, focus was specifically paid to attacks on white victims with the suspects being young black men. Roller and Bouie also questioned figures used to show that the event is spreading, with Roller further questioning the validity of YouTube videos as evidence for the knockout game.

In response to the prevalence in the media, Rev. Perm condemned the attacks, as he noted the black community would not be silent if they were the victims.

Those critical of the existence of the trend have pointed out that the aspect of race appears to be hyped by bloggers who want to highlight attacks on whites by black suspects.