
Thursday, October 03, 2013

Seriously, Drudge!

The conservative agitator splashed on his website another controversial theme. Another racist dog whistle and political landmine for the Republicans to land on. And consider the source of the link. It's Tucker Carlson's (aka Bow Tie Manchild) The The Daily Nothing website.

The Bow Tie Manchild is the weekend host of Loserville & Friends.

This story is bogus. There's nothing but smoke and mirrors. Nothing but a bunch of idiots who waste their time trying to create a controversy where there's none.

I remember the Bow Tie Manchild, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win and That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall going with "The Other Race Speech". It was supposed to be a fiery speech from President Barack Obama. It turned out to be then candidate Barack Obama in 2007 talking about New Orleans post Hurricane Katrina. He made a point about how government let down the people. Yeah, he was then a serious candidate running for president. Not a radical extremist these three bozos tired to make him out to be. Their attack came out a few weeks after perennial loser Mitt Romney sealed his fate with the 47% comments.
The Bow Tie Manchild on Loserville.
Okay here's where the outrage lies. The number is 1-800-FUCKYO. This is a joke, right!

If you have a phone with keypad letters 1, 2 (ABC), 3 (DEF), 4 (GHI), 5 (JKL), 6 (MNO), 7 (PQRS), 8 (TUV), 9 (WXYZ) and 0. Okay 1 and 0 can be used for Q X.

So let me get this straight, it's 1-800-3(F) 8(U) 2(C) 5(K) 9(Y) 6(O). Where's the other number?

All the writer did was take the number 1 out of the full number. And she came up with a little word game.
Katie McHugh
Katie McHugh

The actual number is 1-800-318-2596.

Two can play this game 1-800 - 3 (D) 8 (U) 2 (C) 5 (K) 9 (Y) 6 (O).

Spells DUCK YO.

Take the F out of the equation and you better duck yo, because you're going to get hit!

King Hippo tells the gullible audience about the "evils" of Obamacare.

Remember that due to the government shutdown and high traffic volume its going to be hard to get through the healthcare marketplace.

The Daily Nothing writer Katie McHugh thinks she's so smart. She thinks she's got a "gotcha moment".

Really, the real gotcha moment is the public turning on the Republicans for their ongoing stalemate with this government shutdown.

They lost at the ballot box. They lost at the court. They lost in court of public opinion. And yet, the Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement continue their ongoing march to destruction.

Katie McHugh, you probably know what most people are going to say about you in a few moments!

So why even said it?

You already get enough of that word in your email box!

Special thanks to the Newshounds, The Hinterland Gazette and Media Matter for America.

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