
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Rafael "Filibuster" Cruz!

Ted Cruz, senator for Texas is getting a Palin Da Ass approval.

The Texas freshman senator is continuing his onward path to defeating Obamacare. Unfortunately, he'll end up pushing Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada) buttons and force upon the "nuclear" option. Republicans are concerned that the Tea Party will doom their chances in the elections.

The freshman senator has clashed with Republican leaders. The Republican leaders and former presidential nominees have both express outrage against him, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) and Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) for this notion to shutdown government if they can't repeal Obamacare.

This is another waste of time political theatrics by the Stallmigos. The Stallmigos and Team Opposition both hate President Barack Obama's direction. And even though, he's beaten both Republican nominees (perennial losers Mitt Romney and Senator John McCain of Arizona), the very same figures who run to the cameras for attention grabbing statements are add it again!

Republicans are playing political suicide.

To please the likes of conservative talk radio and the racist right is insane to say at least.

The president warns his political adversaries that the ongoing obsession to piss him off will rile up his base.

Hopefully when the federal workers and middle class start seeing their paychecks lower and their elected leaders still getting paid to fly luxury and enjoy the perks of being a politician, maybe we'll see a rise against the Congress.

Congress has the worst job approval by far. The Republican led House repealed Obamacare 40 times.

The U.S. Senate had failed in passing a stricter background check on firearms. Despite the ongoing mass shootings within five years since President Barack Obama took office.

The Congress hasn't pass a job's bill since the Republicans took back the House of Representatives.

The American people are tired of filibusters and political gamesmanship. The elected leaders need to get their heads out their asses and focus on bringing jobs to their state.

Starting October 1, the Affordable Healthcare and Patient Protection Act (Obamacare) is fully in effect.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) knows his filibuster isn't going to get him anywhere. Since he's been in office, he's appeared over 45 times on either Loserville and the GOP Sunday programs.

When these news agitators ask him what he plans on doing if he accomplish his goals, he'll give a word vomit to why it's important to defeat the president and restore conservatism. Completely ducking his plans for legislative action.

He really is going to make Republicans suffer in the Midterms.

If the American public votes against the Tea Party, you may see little television appearances from the likes of Cruz, Paul and Lee.

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