
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Obama: Who The Republicans Think They Are?

A political dog fight over the budget and the healthcare law.

President Barack Obama lays the line in the sand on this budget deal. He said that Republicans aren't looking forward to progress. They're looking for political gamesmanship. At the Congressional Black Caucus annual dinner and conference, he puts it in two simple words: VETO THREAT!

The political agitators are saying that it's likely that the Republicans are going to face the blame for an impending government shutdown.

The Republican civil war is on and popping.

The House leadership are pissed at Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) for fucking up the strategy. The Republicans were hoping to paint the Democrats for overreach, but it backfired. The stubborn mentality of the three senators have put Obamacare back into the forefront.

The Republicans have long scorned the Affordable Healthcare Law and repealed the law symbolically 44 times since winning the House of Representatives.

The Republicans have passed stricter budget cuts that strained the SNAP program by $40 million. The food stamp program cuts are going to have an impact on the middle class and the poor. The Republicans believe that the poor are causing economic turmoils by taking out of taxpayer's pockets. Ignoring the big businesses that cutting hours of the workers, polluting the environment, and taking tax breaks while shipping jobs out of localities.

The president has a backlog of nominees for federal office and Republicans in the senate have filibustered a handful of nominees for federal court and his administration. Paul, Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), Senator Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have been known to stall nominees over issues such as breathing wrong.
The Three Stallmigos. Republican senator Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz are pissing off fellow Republicans over this continuous grandstanding.
The tragedy in Libya passed a grim milestone. One year since the tragedy in Benghazi, Libya in which four Americans have died in a terrorist attack. The Republicans continue to waste more time covering this. Even though the investigators determined that higher ups in the State Department deserve most of the blame for the actions, President Barack Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton aren't at fault. This haven't stop the conservatives from pushing Republicans in the House and Senate from do a "real investigation" on the Benghazi consulate attack.

The Republican Party have said that they hope to tarnish the image of the Democratic Party by linking to the healthcare law and the Democrats giveaways to the "moochers" of society.

While this last election showed a distinguished change in demographics and showed a huge deficit in Republican outreach, it's full steam ahead to political suicide.

The president went to the Congressional Black Caucus annual conference to detail his plans if Republicans would stick to their guns on the budget, then the country may go into an economic crisis.

The government shutdown threat happens once again. The U.S. Congress is going to eventually give in to the president.

The Republicans don't want to seem like they're the ones responsible if that military officer serving overseas doesn't get his paycheck. They don't want to be responsible if that federal loan is delayed over a budget deal.

But the way this is going, they're going to suffer for this one.

Who's going to be at fault if the government shuts down?

The Republicans or President Barack Obama?

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