
Saturday, September 21, 2013

"Hiccup Girl" Gets Life In The Iron College!

Life in the iron college.

Jennifer Mee's rise and fall.

The Pinellas County Court has determined that it's a wrap for the former internet celebrity who had a case of uncontrollable hiccups.

The 22-year old woman was found guilty in the murder of Shannon Griffin. She was a contributor to the death of the young man after she asked him to meet him at the dope spot.
Shit's real, Jennifer Mee is guilty of murder.
Mee, her former boyfriend Lamont Newton and Laron Raiford were found responsible for the death.

Raiford was sent to the iron college for the rest of his life. He was sentenced a few weeks ago. He will serves it with no chance of parole.

Mee is the second and most high profile member of the group to be sentenced to the iron college for life with no chance at parole.
Shannon Griffin's family can rest easy knowing that two murderers are off the streets.
Of course, she'll have the right to appeal the sentence. But as of today and probably for the rest of her life, it's bars. Nothing but bars.

A sad chapter to an internet celebrity.

Looks like Lionel Tate and Jennifer Mee are the unfortunate cases of celebrity in the wrong way.

While Casey Anthony and George Zimmerman count their pathetic blessings of being free, Mr. Tate and Ms. Mee are the unfortunate cases.

Lionel Tate was sentenced to life in the iron college after he was convicted of murdering a little girl. After six years in juvenile lock up, the U.S. District Court overturned the conviction and freed him. But under pretenses he was to stay out of trouble. But after two years out, he ended up causing himself to go back. He and a friend were involved in a robbery of a pizza driver. He ended up getting 30 years on top of life in the iron college.

Mee's celebrity had her on the news agitators and she had an opportunity to meet celebrities such as country star Keith Urban. Mee's problems began when she dated her boyfriend Newton, the local dope boy. She wanted to be his "ride or die" chick. Instead of telling the law what happened, she ended up trying to finger the other guy and said the "I don't know nothing" excuse.
Raiford and Mee got life in the iron college. Newton is going to trial.
Mee's "gangsta" attitude made the court determine she had no remorse for Shannon Griffin and she tried to use her celebrity to get a lighter sentence. The 15 year sentence fell through and she went ahead and gamble her life in the hands of a jury.

It is what it is.

We here at Journal de la Reyna believe that justice was served in this situation and hope that Mee will finally realized that her actions paved the way for her sentence to the iron college.

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