
Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Conservatives: DC Shooter Is One Of Obama's Sons!

Aaron Alexis was a gifted computer wiz says his friends. But his friends didn't know he was a violent person. They really need to reevaluate the profile of the "nice guy".

Predictable. Since the conservative agitator died, his media empire is crumbling under it's weight.

They've tried bring the magic back after he died. The Breitbart people's attempts at covering a major news story are so freaking stupid! They've really got to figure out where they go from here.

The people over there are so desperate to keep relevant, they'll toss around "the guy was a liberal" every time a mass shooting occurs in America.

Who cares what political affiliation he had?

Who cares what he's done before the shooting?

Leave all that for federal and state law enforcement. Because for all we know is that the man went on to the DC Navy Shipyard and started shooting.

We all hear that story about the shooter was being a "nice guy" and friendly!
That Guy Who Helped Obama Win with Breitbart dorks Ben Shapiro and Joel Pollack will use every card out of the deck to rile up their gullible supporters into believing everything is a liberal plot against conservatism.
People who are rejected by women, jobs, society itself and are often look at as doormats are likely to snap. Being the "nice guy" is going to be considered a threat upon the country. Introverts and loners (basically the bullied) are likely to be the next mass shooter. It wouldn't matter on the race, the gender, the sexuality, the religion or social status.

This is why the Breitbart people are doomed.

The Breitbart people predictably labels the DC Shipyard shooter a "liberal Obama supporter"!

Clearly ignoring the narrative what's going on, the usual word vomit of blame goes around. The conservative media agitators will use this to attack President Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin and the Black community.

They can't take a moment from using the political blame game in a horrible shooting event.
DC Navy Yard shooting killed 12 people.
The Blame Game series always occurs whenever there's a mass shooting. It's been a part of the tradition of me giving an honest take of how the junk food media agitators always politicize an event.

The shooter Aaron Alexis murdered 12 people before law enforcement took him out.

The people who known the guy thought of him as a "nice guy". A guy who had some "anger" issues.

A man who thought he was hearing voices after suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. A man who had no business operating a firearm. But since the lame Congress hasn't pass reasonable gun control measures to keep firearms out of the hands of people like this, they'll just point fingers and blame one another for why this event could have been adverted.

The arm chair warriors and agitators in the media have the "would of", "should of", "could of" and the "If I was..." nonsense.

Let's make this clear, you never know what happens until you're in an event where a mass shooting has occurred. Yeah, those who are lucky to "take out the threat" are bold to say at least.

Law enforcement know the rules of "life and death". They have a limited time span when it comes to an event where it requires special operations. This situation merits the notion that what could happen if we done this or that?

Why would you think that you could do something when a gunman is shooting at you?

If I was in a mass shooting event, I would high tale it out of there! I don't want to be a hero.

I rather be a living coward than a dead hero! If I had the opportunity to shoot a threat, I would!

But if the threat is gunning for me and I have no escape, either I fight or flee!

I don't fear death. But in no way I'm a law enforcement officer, a military officer or a trained security guard.

For every crime committed by a Black person, the racial extremists will always figure that "it's one of Obama's sons".

Clearly the racial extremists are relieved that this umpteenth mass shooting in America was done by a Black man. And sure enough, he probably was a liberal who loved Obama!


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