
Monday, September 16, 2013

Conservative Outrage Over An Averted Crisis In Syria!

I bet President Barack Obama's memoirs will include his disgust for Republicans standing in the way of progress.

The president dodged a crisis in the Middle East. The United States and Russia have made a compromise with Syria to give up its chemical weapons. The world can rest easy, there's no international war.

The crisis in Syria is an ongoing issue. The country is in the brinkmanship of a civil war. Weapons of mass destruction were used in the harming of innocent people.

The Associated Press reports that United Nation weapon inspectors have determined that 14 events occurred with chemical weapons.
Bassar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin.
The United States found out about this and was none to happy. America was on the brink of throwing their weight into the matter. Many people were concerned that American troops would be on the ground in Syria. That wasn't the case. The military were going to do strikes on chemical weapon facilities and air bases to cripple any attempts by the Syrian government to move weapons to a "safe heaven".

President Barack Obama warns the Syria leader Bashar al-Assad that if he doesn't get the ball rolling, the United States may strike.

To the "America First" crowd, they think it's a sign of weakness from President Barack Obama.

Their new hero of the conservative movement is Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin.

The conservatives should have some love for the Russian leader. He cheated an election to get back into power. He placed himself into involvements that he had no business meddling in. He is staunchly anti-gay, and signed off some of the nation's most discriminatory laws towards the LGBT residents of Russia.

He's hosted the Olympics and the people cheered for that.

Over here in the United States, conservatives are freaking out the president's handling of a crisis.
The two most annoying legislators on television. The senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham constantly whine on GOP Sundays about the president's handling in Syria.
Like this would be the umpteenth time conservatives would outrage over an issue that involve President Barack Obama. They've freaked out over the Olympics. They freaked out over the healthcare law.

They've freak out over a child prayer, a Lifeline phone, asking Congress to get approval for force, letting the ball get into Putin's court, and adverting a crisis overseas.

They've freaked out over his reelection, the sequester (they've cheered for), his daughters taking a vacation, him taking a vacation, him at the golf course, Michelle Obama's healthy food policies, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, his birth certificate, and winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

If I didn't know better, I think the conservatives are reacting because of race!

Nah, it's just his policies. There's no jobs. People are lazy. America is losing its grip on being the world's superpower.

This is how Republicans think! They want to see the first Black president fail.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), Senator Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina), Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Michigan), Congressman Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), Congressman Pete King (R-New York), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Congressman Tom Price (R-Georgia), Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), and numerous agitators in the conservative media have overheated their rhetoric.

They wanted a war in Syria. But since this was Obama, they don't want to support him.

The bonehead Congress. Michele Bachman, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell and Mike Lee are Tea Party members who say some dumb ass shit. McConnell is the minority leader of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate. McConnell is shyster who panders to the right because he's facing a tougher primary this time.
They're upset that the president would have taken us to war. They're upset over the president letting the UN and Russia settle the matter without a weapon being used or a foreign soldier being killed.

The apparent strategic deal to stop the Syrian military from using chemical weapons is like a sign of weakness.

Even though in a war, there's no good guys or bad guys. It's just a lot of weapons and a whole lot of dead bodies.

Conservatives are a headache. Republicans are on the slow walk to political suicide.

Trying to defeat the first Black president is going to rile up Black and Hispanic voters. I bet ya, that if this continues on, I bet the Democrats may rally a stronger turnout to beat back the Republicans again.

And this example of the president adverting a crisis shows how desperate the conservatives are to tarnish his legacy. These individuals are brainwashing their gullible supporters into thinking the president isn't do something or doing too much of something.

I am satisfied that the president used his muscle to get Russia to take control of this.

Why should we be the police man of the world?

We have enough problems over here without another war.

We don't want to end up doing the Bush Doctrine in Obama's name.

Tell the story Cenk Uyger. The Young Turks explains the overheated reactions to an averted crisis.

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