
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ben Jealous Leaving NAACP!
NAACP president Benjamin Jealous is leaving the organization.

The head of the nation's civil rights group is leaving by the end of the month.

Benjamin Jealous is stepping down as the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).

He wants to spend more time with his family.  He is the youngest ever national leader of the organization.

Under Jealous' lead, the NAACP has had a number of notable achievements during his tenure, including: registering 374,553 voters and mobilizing 1.2 million new and unlikely voters to turn out at the polls for the 2012 presidential election; leading the charge for Connecticut and Maryland to abolish the death penalty; endorsing marriage equality; and fighting laws the NAACP claims were intended for voter suppression in states across the country.

During Jealous’ tenure, the NAACP's online activists have increased from 175,000 to more than 675,000; its donors have increased from 16,000 individuals per year to more than 132,000; and the number of total NAACP activists has topped one million.

Jealous will step down as president of the NAACP at the end of December 2013 Jealous is married to Lia Epperson, a law professor at American University and a civil rights attorney.

He leaves behind a somewhat controversial history. I mean he was around during the whole Shirley Sherrod fiasco in 2010.  During a convention, Jealous stated that the Tea Party was the last elements of racism.

He slammed those ignorant Republicans like Tim Scott (the only Black U.S. Senator), Rand Paul, Palin Da Ass, and Glenn Beck as panderers of racism. He was completely right on that one.

It pissed off that agitator Andrew Breitbart. That agitator tried to get back at the NAACP by releasing a video of then U.S. Agriculture representative Shirley Sherrod talking about her experiences in the South.

Sherrod lost her father to the racial extremists who murdered him. She had some resentment towards White people at a time. As a community advisor, Sherrod was hoping to help save families from losing their homes.

She was dealing with a White family from the South who was on the verge of losing their home, changed her views.

So as she shared this experience, Breitbart took all the good parts out of the speech and put it together to make it seem like the NAACP was hosting a Black extremist and President Barack Obama allowed this person to be on the "gubmint" payroll.

The video was posted on the Breitbart websites and it was going to be on the Chalk E. Becker show.

President Barack Obama ordered Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack to send that woman packing.

The NAACP also overreacted to it too by issuing an apology.

Soon as the controversy was starting to built up. The truth came out.

The video was doctored, the controversy soon swung to the president overreacting and the media's rush to judgement. Also this fiasco left egg on the face of Andrew Breitbart. His credibility was ruined during that event.

He managed to rebuilt himself as the guy who took down Anthony Weiner, a Democratic congressman who texted his penis to women. Weiner was the only success that Breitbart had during his time as an agitator.

Weiner would later try to run for mayor only to be sent back to the cesspool he's created out of his arrogance.

Breitbart would later die of a heart attack in 2012.

Jealous and Breitbart were not the best of friends. The conservative agitator was trying to smear the NAACP and have Jealous fired.

Jealous also criticized the president. He believes the president has to throw a little more weight into the issues in the Black and Hispanic communities. The unemployment rates for Black and Hispanic workers is very high.

Jealous, Rev. Perm and the president spoke at the March On Washington rally last month.

He made it clear that Black America must speak up about issues such as unemployment, racial profiling and the U.S. Justice system (in regards to the George Zimmerman verdict).

Under his leadership, the NAACP endorsed the rights for gay couples to marry.

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