
Friday, September 13, 2013

Ann Coulter: Putin Gave A Banana To That "Monkey" Obama!
Yeah, it's desperation from the right wing.
The potential for a crisis is adverted. And the same ankle bitters for war are now bitching about the Russian president's diplomatic options to end the conflict between the United States and Syria.

The "America First" crowd can't get it through their heads that America's influence was ruined after we went to war on the notion that Afghanistan was harboring a terrorist and Iraq was harboring weapons of mass destruction.

The "America First" crowd can't see no right with the Black president. Every move whether going to strike or taking a diplomatic solution by allowing the United Nations take hold of the chemical weapons is a sign of "weakness".

This is what drove that blonde moronic woman to say that Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin is "monkeying" around with President Barack Obama.

So in other words, this blonde moronic horseface woman called the president a "monkey".

That's not what the conservative agitator said, but she's damn close to saying what most people on the racist right think. To have the first Black president disrespected by the likes of that shrew ignorance, it's unbelievable.

To think that last year, she would dare call the president a "retard" because he lost in the debate against that perennial loser Mitt Romney.

Horseface Ann Coulter flapping her jaws over at Loserville with That Guy Who Helped Obama Win.

She dare has the nerve to attack the president's handling of the crisis in Syria.

It's almost like the racist right is gleeful that Putin is "standing up" to President Barack Obama.

It's amazing that if you look at past presidents, Ronald Reagan was probably the "weakest" when it came to dealing with Russia (then the Soviet Union).

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