
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Again, You Can't Fix Stupid! [NSFW]

Nation's fastest growing franchise had to serve two ignorant workers their walking papers after it was revealed they've done something unprofessional and likely criminal in their restaurant.

How's customer's service these days?

A cringe-worthy story for our readers. Take discretion in reading this. It's disturbing.

Here's a disgusting story featuring totally ignorant service workers. Welcome to the America's most stupidest customer service representatives.

Two men were sent their walking papers and are likely to face criminal charges for their antics.

Again, whatever you post on the social networks can cost you your job, your freedom or your reputation.

What you post online will stay online, forever. This type of stuff will always remind me that the service industry pays underperforming workers. Those underperforming workers makes the job more stressful for the loyal ones. When one of the workers does something that puts the lives of workers or customers in jeopardy, it's likely the manager and the loyal workers who suffer too.

In other words, one worker actions could cost everyone their jobs. And to make this clear, anyone could be fired for another worker's performance.

The Huffington Post reports that two Columbus, Ohio Subway workers were sent their walking papers after it was revealed they've posted one of the workers playing with his penis on top of the buns.

Then they've featured a picture of a bottle of frozen urine.

One of the men, Cameron Boggs, admitted on Instagram that "today at work I froze my pee" in a water bottle.

Boggs posted -- and later deleted -- the most incriminating photo, which depicts a man rubbing his genitalia on foot-long bread. It was posted on Instagram by username "weedpriest" with a caption that reads, "My name is @ianjett and I will be your sandwich artist today."

Ian Jett copped to defiling the footlong, but denied doing the dirty deed at work.

"I would never do that at work -- it was at home," he said. "This isn't something I'd ever do at Subway. It was totally a joke."
Ian Jett and Cameron Boggs
Dumb and dumber. Cameron Boggs and Ian Jett lost their jobs after one of these idiots put their penis on the sandwich buns at a Columbus, Ohio Subway.
Boggs' other photo shows a water bottle full of a yellow substance that he describes as urine. Though you can't tell from the photo whether the frozen urine is inside a Subway restaurant, Boggs says it was.

Store employees confirmed that Boggs and Jett had currently work at the Subway location at Tuttle Crossing Boulevard in Columbus. The chain's corporate office didn't return calls for comment by press time.

The anonymous tipster who sent in the photos was horrified by the pair's handiwork.

"I saw the frozen piss picture and thought, 'What is this guy doing?'" the tipster said. "Then came the penis picture. They're stupid enough for doing this in the first place, but then to post it to the world? It was a dumb move.

"I didn't send these to be vindictive," he added, "But something needs to be done. It's disgusting."

A man in San Diego caught fondling while on camera at his job. This person was the owner of the business.

Giusepp Scire, owner of Jersey Joe's Pizzeria in San Diego, denied on last Thursday that he masturbated in the eatery's kitchen, an act that was reportedly caught on security footage by users on 4Chan.

A picture posted last week clearly shows a man with white hair, handling his pepperoni in what appears to be a pizza kitchen, but Scire said he was the victim of disgruntled ex-employees' pranks.

Subway, a part of Doctors, Inc. is one of the fastest growing submarine franchises in the world. Over 40,000 restaurants and growing. Usually within two miles you'll see a restaurant nearby. They're often found at Walmart, truck stops and college campuses.

Subway Restaurants surpassed McDonald's in locations this year. McDonald's is the world's largest food and beverage restaurant in sales and revenue.

Be warned these are disturbing images and it's probably why I choose to be cautious about how people serve my food.
subway penis photo

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