
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Heartland Ignorance: Rally For That "NIGGER" Trayvon!

Two men in the city of Wichita, Kansas wanted to be funny by wearing t-shirts inscribed with the offensive racial slur at a rally for slain teenager Trayvon Martin.

Their goal was to incite a race riot to prove to the country that "us Black folk" are "natural born criminals".

Mediaite's conservative writer Noah Rothman is trying his hardest to prove that "we'z conservatives ain't racist." He decided to feature this story on the news agitating website. It's being picked up by the social networks and it's went viral.

These cowards wanted to film the reaction to a peaceful protest. They wanted to rile up a peaceful protest and then sent it to YouTube and tip off That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall.

But good thing some people marching in the rally had cameras of their own.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:59 PM

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