
Monday, July 22, 2013

The Troll Under The Bandwidth Bridge!

Why do we even respond to these people? They can't be satisfied. 

Today, I offer another reason to why it's important to not address them. 

A rule for all bloggers, do not feed the trolls. If you address them, you give in to them. 

They will never be satisfied. They'll keep throwing shit to the wall hoping it will stick. Of course, having an honest unapologetic opinion doesn't seem to stick in the mind of our anonymous commentator. 

He says that he'll keep on posting his complaints. 

Of course, he knows it will be removed and we will continue on. 

We will allow reasonable discussion on the topic discussed here on this blog. Why should we read someone's word vomit? We don't have to read someone's insults and bullshit. 

This will be used as an example of the word vomit you'll find on the social networks, the blogs and forums. This type of nonsense is the reasons why conservatives are destroying the country.

But seriously should we have to listen to some "arm chair warrior" shouting at us through the computer?

Here's another round of comments from the WHITE EXTREMISTS?

Anonymous said...

I'ma keep posting here, despite your feeble attempt to call me a white elitist or whatever. I am white, I'll admit that, but I have no disrespect for black people at all. I love me some Geordi LaForge, bitch.The problem I see is that you've drawn a line in the sand. Everyone is a white elitist or supports your racially infused campaign. That Cleveland rapist killer was nothing more than trash, be he black or white. No one is making it into a race issue but YOU, cant (sic) you get that through your noggin'? You are the PROBLEM, by drawing these lines in the sand. You are creating more racial tension.I am not in any way trying to snuff out your right to free speech, I'm simply calling you a fucking idiot. Thanks, I don't expect you to post this one too, you'll probably just delete it. But that's all I have to say.

6:15 AM 

Anonymous said...+ im (sic) not a republican. Would never vote for those religious oppresive (sic) bastards. I voted for Obama. In the end he proved a feeble political machine just like the rest of the lot. Sad times, but not because he's black. Just because he's a sellout. Politics does that to people.The Wire is my favorite show and if you want to understand where Obama went wrong I suggest you watch Carcetti's arc in season 4.

6:21 AM 

Anonymous said...Also- last thing here- I really do think it's funny how quick you labeled me (all caps) a "WHITE EXTREMISTST. (sic)"You wont post this, but I want you to take a second and think about how your world view (YOURS, YOU READING THIS) effects the way YOU see people, in shades of black and white. How is that not fucking racist? You're a racist bro. That was my original point with the psycopath (sic) post. You are just making things worse.

Oh anonymous commentator, take a chill pill.

Your word vomit isn't going to change the opinions expressed here. You're not winning!

Why should we listen to you?

If I am such a racist, bro, where's my white hood?

If I am such a racist, bro, why do I post stories about conservatives getting caught sending racist emails? 

Why are conservatives telling President Barack Obama to "GO BACK TO KENYA (AFRICA)?"

Why are conservatives so obsessed with president's birth certificate, religion, and his race?

Why do the conservatives continue to focus on food stamps, welfare, and cutting social safety nets?

Why do conservatives obsess over Black crime when it happens to be a White person involved in a crime that injured or killed a person of color?

Don't answer.

You probably have no clue about what I've said or what I am doing! So let me clear two things for you!

One. I am an American just like you! 

Two. I don't worry or care what you say about me, S. Baldwin or anyone here who contributes to Journal de la Reyna. I don't have to prove to you anything. I know my views and I'm going to stick to them.

The only racist here is you! Now please look in the mirror and yell at yourself. 

Thank you.

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