
Friday, July 12, 2013

The Friends Rand Paul Keeps!

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) face more criticism over Charleston, South Carolina writer Jack Hunter's pro-Confederate ties. Hunter (second left) is known as the Southern Avenger on YouTube and Taki's Magazine.

I am a subscriber of The Southern Avenger on YouTube. The channel has commentary from conservative/libertarian writer by the name of Jack Hunter. He's from Columbia, South Carolina, and he's somewhat a popular figure on YouTube.

But given this popularity comes the criticism. And with that criticism, comes his ties to those who stand behind him. Given that Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) is a friend to Hunter. And this pretty much built up much controversy.

Paul is pretty much an unaccomplished politician and constant gadfly to President Barack Obama. His main achievements are the massive followers who support him at every whim and the amount of time he's filibustered nominees and sponsored senate bills.

Him and his father, former presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul of Texas are Republicans who managed to win over the college youth with rhetoric of "legalizing weed", "ending wars overseas" and "strong-will freedom".

The Pauls are the so-called righteous ones. They both claim that they're in support of "freedom".

They don't support your freedom.

They believe in taking away benefits from the needy because they feel like those on "entitlements" are parasites and they want to "save" them from "the gubmint plantation".

They support people who are extreme in their views.

Jack Hunter, the Southern Avenger once donned a "Confederate Flag" mask and posted video commentaries criticizing President George W. Bush, President Barack Obama, Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) and Mitt Romney. He even went as far to criticize many conservative "elites" who worship the dollars than the principles.

Hunter is known for often providing commentary from a paleoconservative viewpoint, as he sees the liberal internationalism that is found in the Democratic Party and the neoconservatism that is prominent in the Republican Party to be ultimately indistinguishable from one another, which has led to criticism from both the mainstream left and the mainstream right.

A few days ago, Hunter wrote an article regarding race and the Civil War. It was reported by numerous mainstream media outlets, after originally being uncovered by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Washington Post noted that Hunter had previously written that "Americans aren't wrong to deplore the millions of Hispanics coming here" and that "a non-white majority America would simply cease to be America."
In late 2011, Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) was fumed at the Transportation Security Administration scanning of him. He vowed to cut funding for the TSA if he could muster enough votes from Republicans and some Democrats.
The Free Beacon also noted that Hunter had previously written in support of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, and formerly had served as a chairman of the League of the South, which advocates Southern secession and, according to the Anti-Defamation League, promotes the idea of a society dominated by whites.

In a statement written in response to the controversy, Hunter wrote that he was "embarrassed by some of the comments I made precisely because they do not represent me today."

He also expressed abhorrence of racism and criticized the Free Beacon story as "not accurately reflect[ing]" his character or views.

Hunter's commentaries were interesting to say at least. He almost won me over!

I didn't know the Pauls were that close with Hunter! I've always thought of this as a "mutual" respect of one another than a full-fledged friendship.

Hunter and Paul wrote The Tea Party Goes to Washington. It describes the Tea Party movement's impact in the 2010 midterm elections in the United States, and ultimately their impact on the entire political system.

Paul was elected to the United States Senate on November 2, 2010, along with the help of various Tea Party activists across Kentucky, and has strongly embraced the group.

Paul considers himself a member of the Tea Party, and has since founded the Tea Party Caucus in the United States Senate, along with several other Senators, including Senators Mike Lee, Jim DeMint and Jerry Moran.
We're friends.
The book was released in 2011 and is published by Center Street, a main publishing division of Hachette Book Group USA.

But nowadays, I've grown accustomed to the negativity that comes from the "cult" of Ron Paul.

The supporters and his affiliates are so fucking annoying it's almost a shame they even exist.

No matter how many times you've tell them "they're wrong" and "they can't win", these people continue to stir up more stupider narratives to prove that there's a "chance" a Paul could win.

There will be some who troll the internet for all things "Paul". They'll find some of it here!

Ron Paul and Rand Paul are an establishment politicians who's "KOOKY" ideas appeal to the broad coalition of pot smokers, disengaged conservatives and libertarians who hate "everyone's freedoms".

They were so disgusted with last election's crop of GOP presidential candidates.

They try to win over stupid-minded liberals with that hearsay about ending the wars and legalizing weed.

A bunch of anti-Semitics support these guys because they think that ending foreign aid to lower nations and Israel is the right way the "Zionist Jews" who run the world.
Circa 2004, Jack Hunter as The Southern Avenger. The columnist wore a Confederate themed mask.
And even though some of these nations aid the United States in these goddamn wars, these cult worshipers believe that it's always us that "saves" them and not the other way around!

The Pauls love to win over White and sometimes Black extremists. These people are the ones who appear on tax revolters, survivalist, and kookspiracy theorists websites. White Supremacists websites worship the false hope of a Paul being elected President of The United States.

Of course we also go those self-studied constitutionalists who learned to "read the Constitution all the ways!"

You cult worshipers better understand this!

Ron Paul and Rand Paul have no accomplishments!

Ron Paul in his nearly 30+ years in Washington hasn't done much other than be a gadfly to the Republican Party.

Like that idiots Michele Bachmann and Louie Gohmert, Ron Paul hasn't really done much other than rush to the cameras to promote some form of extremism within his party.

He only managed to get one freaking bill was passed by Congress under his sponsorship.

He's never had an endorsement politically. No right-minded Republican would supports a fringe candidate who based his support on a cult of ignorance.

Just because a few "weed" smoking celebrities (Barry Manilow, Snoop Dogg and Kelly Clarkson) endorses that piece of shit, doesn't mean shit!

They ended up voting for President Barack Obama any fucking way (once again for your information).

And his son Rand Paul is no better. In the two years since being elected, Paul hasn't done nothing much than rush to the cameras like John McCain and Lindsay Graham to bitch about the president.
Circa 2007, Ron Paul taking a picture with Stormfront founder Don Black and his son Derek. Stormfront is the largest White supremacist forum and social network. It appeals to ignorant extremists who believe the only way to purification is the complete genocide of the Black, Asian and Hispanic race. 
Paul can muster a few supporters to sue the government and filibuster nominees, but in the end, he'll never win the respect of the Republican Party as a whole.

Seriously, Rand Paul hasn't got much other than a bad hair style and bunch of hot air.

These followers of the cult will get nowhere!

What on earth thinks you got the notion that "he's winning" every freaking time?"

Paul didn't win the Republican nomination. He's another douchebag like perennial losers Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.

The cult believes in the kookspiracy of NSA. They support Edward Snowden. A man who flees rather than fight the government. A man who would sell out his country because he doesn't support their techniques to espionage.

The cult believes President Barack Obama is either a "dictator", "Muslim", "Communist", "socialist", "Bush III", "race hustler", "gun grabber", "terrorist" and "Hitler" all wrapped into one dangerous individual.

The cult of Ron and Rand Paul believe in the kookspiracy about the president's birthplace.

And  no matter what we've told you, the cult never get it through their sponge soaked heads that Ron Paul, Rand Paul and any other Republican will not win acting like this.

They're dooming not only themselves but the Republican Party.

Here's a throwback of Jack Hunter (aka The Southern Avenger's) commentary going after That Guy Who Helped Obama Win.


Rachel Maddow goes after Hunter and Paul for their support of extremists.

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