
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Limbaugh: [Trayvon] Martin Feared That CREEPY ASS GAY CRACKER!

Saying more than expected as usual.

So how do you feel about George Zimmerman being found NOT GUILTY in the death of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin?

If you feel like me, then you're probably willing to do something about it!

We can get our point across without starting violence. My best thing to do is get active. It's time to send the Republican Party back to the minority. Our goal is to make sure the Republicans suffer at the polls. They can't retake the Senate. They can't retain the House of Representatives. They can't hold title of governorships. They can't win the U.S. presidency. My goal is to prevent Republicans from winning elections.

Are you willing to stop the Republicans from winning elections?

Why feed the ignorance that keeps people like George Zimmerman trigger happy?

Why help prove to Ted Nugent that "us Black folk" are violent?

Still some believe that we're rioting and looting because we're handed an injustice. The whistle was blown by President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the NAACP has gotten "us Black folk" looking for revenge.

That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall post articles of Black teens punching a Hispanic man in Baltimore.

Two WHITE joggers claim that the teens were saying "THIS WAS FOR TRAYVON".

King Hippo on the other hand has gotten himself in trouble again. He went on the radio and ranted about how star witness Rachel Jeantel was this "ignorant Black woman" and Trayvon Martin were the "real racists".

Here's the outrageous comments from King Hippo!

These comments are right up with in the Sandra Fluke controversy!


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